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Johnnie's POV

"Kyle's going to leave me, I know he is." I sigh, wiping a few stray tears from my eyes. "All because I'm fucking pregnant."

Alex moves closer to me on the couch, pulling me in for a hug, as she rubs a hand round my back. "Johnnie." She sighs. "I promise you that everything's going to be okay." She says. "Kyle just needs time to think this through."

In a way, she's probably right. But who's to say that once Kyle gets back here, that he's decided that he doesn't want anything to do with me and our baby?

"You don't know that." I sniffle, shaking my head, as I hug Alex back.

"Well, if Kyle decides that he doesn't want anything to do with you and your baby, then I'll be there for the both of you instead." She says, pulling out of the hug just a little. "I'll always be here to help you, Johnnie. And if Kyle decides that he doesn't want anything to do with you and the baby, then I'm here for you." She promises me. "Or even if you choose to get an abortion. I'll be there for you."

I smile a little at that. I'm so glad that I've got such a sweet and understanding friend like Alex. and the fact that she's willing to help if Kyle doesn't want anything to do with me, when she doesn't even have to.

"Thank you, Alex." I say. "If Kyle doesn't want anything to do with me and the baby, I'm not sure what I'll do." I sigh, wiping at my eyes. "But, abortion is something that I'll probably be considering.

Alex nods in understanding. "And I'll be there for you every step of the way." She promises me.

The door to the bus suddenly opening makes the both of us jump slightly, and as we look over towards the door, we find Bryan walking in and over to us.

"Johnnie, Alex." Bryan says. "Hurry up. We need to be out at the signing tents."

Looking over at Alex, she seems to be able to tell that I'm not feeling up to doing signings today. Which I'm grateful for, cause I'm not in the right mood to do signings right now anyway, and I don't feel as though I'll be able to cope out there.

"Uh, Bryan, Johnnie isn't feeling too good." Alex says. "I think he should sit this one out."

"He's not feeling too good?" Bryan asks, walking over to us, and placing the back of his hand against my forehead. "He doesn't feel hot, and he looks fine to me." He says. "Just hurry up and get out to the signing tents."

"But Bryan, he's really not-" Alex starts, but Bryan cuts her off.

"He's fine enough to do signings, now just hurry up." Bryan says, looking as though he's starting to get annoyed with us.

"What's going on?" Damon says, as he and Jordan walk onto the bus, looking between the three of us.

"Johnnie's not feeling well enough to do signings right now." Alex explains. "I feel as though he should sit this one out." She says.

Damon nods, before looking over at Bryan. "Bryan, Johnnie obviously isn't feeling too well." He says. "Let the kid sit this one out."

Looking as though he's about to protest, Bryan thrown his hands up in the air, before walking off the bus.

Confused, Damon and Jordan look over at Alex and I, not having much of an idea of what even happened. I don't even think that I know what that even was.

"What was all that about?" Jordan asks.

"Probably just Bryan being a dick." Damon shrugs. "He's been acting rather off lately honestly."

Honestly? Damon is right. Bryan has been acting a little strange now that I really think about it. Ever since Warped started, he's been acting a little, off.

"You two will be fine by yourselves?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, I think so." Alex nods. "By the way, you didn't happen to see where Kyle went, did you?"

Both Damon and Jordan shake their heads, causing Alex and I to sigh.

"Oh." Alex nods. "Okay, if you do, can you tell him that he needs to talk things through with Johnnie?"

"Sure." Jordan nods. "We'll tell him." He says. "Though, what's this all about, if you don't mind telling?"

Alex looks over at me, seemingly not sure if I want them to know or not. But honestly, I don't really care right now. I trust Damon and Jordan.

"I'm pregnant with Kyle's baby." I say.

Both Damon and Jordan are both silent at that. I'm guessing that they don't really know how to respond to that, but they don't appear grossed out by it at all, which is good.

"Right." Jordan nods. "We'll definitely tell Kyle he needs to talk with you, Johnnie." He says. "And don't worry, everything's going to be okay."

If only I could believe what he's saying....

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