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Kyle's POV

Holy crap, Johnnie and I slept together, like, sex, not just sleeping in the same bed together... Holy fucking shit! And, both Alex and Bryan know about it...

I'm drawn out of my thoughts as Johnnie sits down next to me on the couch, handing me a can of Peace Tea. I thank him, as I take the can from him, and sit back on the couch with him sitting rather close to me. Not that I'm complaining though.

Bryan and Alex both seemed to be filming a video for YouTube, whatever the hell they were filming, I have no idea, though, that really goes for everything that all of us film really.

"Kyle?" Johnnie asks, distracting me from my thoughts once again. "You okay?" He questions.

I look down at him, sighing slightly, before nodding my head. "I'm fine. Just thinking is all." I say.

"Y-you don't regret what we did do you?" He asks, his voice shaking slightly.

"What?" I ask. "No. Of course not." I say. "Still a little shocked that we actually did that, but no. I don't regret it." I promise him.

He smiles slightly, resting his head on my shoulder. "Good." He sighs. "Cause you were my first."

I smile slightly, kissing the top of his head. "You were my first too." I say.

He shifts round, so he's looking at me. He smiles, before hugging me tightly. I hug him back just has tight, not wanting to let him go at all. Though, Alex and Bryan's squealing caused us to pull away from each other.

"You two are so cute!" Alex exclaims, jumping on the spot. "Oh my god!"

Johnnie blushes, hiding his head in my shoulder, and I rub a hand round his back. I kiss the side of his head, but look up as I hear what sounded like the camera of a phone or something. Alex and Bryan were taking photos of Johnnie and I. Of course they were.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're posting them to SnapChat and Instagram honestly. And anyway, let's face it. Bryan is the biggest Kohnnie shipper out there. Though, Alex might be coming in as a close second. I guess it's just a good thing our friends support us.

After awhile, Alex drags both Johnnie and I up to go round the shops, and meet up with some fans, cause why not? All the fans are great, and it'll be good to get out of the house.

Though, even though all the fans are amazing, we don't know for sure if they'll all be supportive of Johnnie and I. I guess all we can really do at this point, is hope that they'll be supportive of us, and if there's some that aren't, well, then they don't really matter.

Nothing will stop Johnnie and I from being together.

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