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Kyle's POV

"Thank you so much, Alex." I say, hugging her tightly.

"No problem, Kyle." She says, once we pull away. "Do you really think Johnnie could be?" She asks, as we walk over to the YouTuber tour bus.

I shrug. "There's a big possibility that he could be." I say. "If he is, I think it might be best if Johnnie and I drop off Warped."

She nods. "Yeah, that sounds like the best thing to do." She says. "Have you told Johnnie about the possibility that he could be pregnant?"

Sighing I shake my head. I haven't told him yet that I think he might be pregnant. I'm not even sure how to tell him, but I did tell him that I had talked with Alex on the phone, and asked her if she could help us with the situation.

Alex stops, grabbing onto my wrist. "You haven't told him?" She asks, and when I don't say anything, she groans slightly. "Kyle, why not?" She asks. "He needs to know about this, what is he going to do when he finds out you talked about the possibility that he could be pregnant with me, before you even talked with him about it?"

I shake my head, sighing slightly as I look at the ground. "I don't know, Alex." I sigh. "I don't even know how I'm meant to tell him to even take a pregnancy test in the first place."

She sighs, shaking her head. "I guess we'll just deal with it once we get into the bus then." She mutters, before walking off to the bus.

Sighing, I follow along behind her, running to catch up with her a little as she walks towards the bus rather quickly, almost like she's kind of annoyed with me for not telling Johnnie of the possibility that he could be pregnant.

Once we get over to the bus, Alex is the first to go inside, and she goes straight over to Johnnie and sits down on the couch next to him. I'm a little slower at getting on the bus, but once I'm on the bus, I sit next to Johnnie also.

Looking over at Alex, I notice her waiting for me to tell Johnnie what I need to tell him, but honestly, how am I meant to tell him that I think he might be pregnant, and I need him to take a pregnancy test? I have no clue how he'll even react to that.

"Kyle, just tell him already." Alex sighs.

That catches Johnnies attention, as he looks between Alex and I. "Tell me what?" He asks. "What's going on here?"

Sighing, I stand up and Alex hands me the plastic bag out of her backpack. I notice Johnnie look at the bag curiously, before turning his attention back to me, waiting for me to say something.

"Johnnie, there's something you should know." I start, still a little unsure how I'm even going to say this to him, guess I'm just going to have to think of it as I go. "When I talked with Vic awhile ago, he brought up Kellin." I say, trailing off slightly at the mention of Kellin's name.

I notice Alex look away slightly as I mention Kellin's name. Everyone knew how difficult to was for Vic when Kellin had died during child birth, and from that, if Johnnie really is pregnant, there could be a chance that he too could die in child birth, and Alex and I don't want that to happen to Johnnie.

"Why'd he bring up Kellin?" Johnnie asks, clearly confused on what I'm trying to say.

"He said that you seem to be acting similar to how Kellin was when he was pregnant." I say. "Johnnie, we think there's a chance you could be pregnant."

Johnnie looks between Alex and I, seemingly unsure whether or not I'm making this all up or not. "What?" He asks, confused. "There's no way I could be pregnant." He says. "I've just got some stomach bug, and it'll pass soon."

I shake my head. "You've been like this for what? Almost two months now?" I ask. "This isn't just a stomach bug, and you know it, Johnnie. You even told me last night that you don't think it is."

"Please Johnnie, just take a pregnancy test." Alex says, rubbing a hand round his back a little. "We can see what results you get, then for confirmation, we can get you a doctors appointment."

Johnnie just looks between Alex and I, unsure of what to even do at this point, and whether or not he even believes us.

And if I were him right now, I probably would be feeling the exact same way.

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