Chapter 16

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    They pulled up to an old apartment in Stanford.  Dean got out of the car quickly, not talking to Cas not even making eye contact with him. Cas was still confused, but he got out of the car and followed Dean down an alley to another apartment, where he knocked on the door. Dean didn't wait for an answer he just opened the door and walked in.

    "Sammy! I'm here dude." Dean looked at the house, Sam was doing better off than he had thought.

      "Dean?" A tall skinny man with long hair appeared. Despite his size he looked very young. He was confused furrowing his eyebrows, "What are you doing here? And do you know how to knock? Wait forget about knocking, who the hell is that guy?"

      Dean looked back at Cas briefly, then turned back to Sam, "What do you mean 'what am I doing here' You called me, told me I needed to come see you."

     Sam shook his head, "What? No I didn't, What's up with the dude in the trench coat?"

     Dean ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled roughly, "This is uh Castiel, my roommate."

     "You got a roommate? What you tired of not ever having food or electricity?" Sam walked into the kitchen and came out with three beers.

    "Don't play dumb, I know you put an ad out." Dean took two beers and handed one to Cas.

      Cas just stared at it. He knew if he were to drink it, he would be able to taste each and every individual particle it was made out of. But he opened it and took a sip anyways.

     Sam laughed and took a long drink of his beer, "I honestly don't know what your talking about right now man"

    "You got Alzheimer's or something? First you don't remember trying to get me a roommate, now you don't even remember calling me about you nightmare's?" Dean wasn't laughing he had a small smile, but it was fake and his voice was serious. He was concerned for his little brother.

    "Wait, what?" Sam's voice went from playful to serious real fast, "How do you know about my dreams?"

    "Wait you seriously don't remember?" Dean looked towards Cas then back to Sam, you could see the worry in his on his face as if it were literally written on his forehead.

    "What exactly did I tell you Dean?" Sam kept his straight face, hard eyes staring at his brother, now Sam was concerned for himself as well.

      Cas was already running things through his mind, trying to imagine exactly what could have happen. Going over the parts of the plan he knew, the angels didn't tell him very much, just that he needed to get Sam and Dean together. Maybe this was suppose to happen. Of course it was supposed to happen, everything happens according to plan right?

    "You just told me about your dreams of Jess, and how you've been having them more and more lately. You said they were the same every time and you said they felt so real." Dean stared at Sam with the same facial expression Sam had on his face, "Sammy, you really don't remember?" Dean's eyes went soft.

      At the sight of his brother's eyes, Sam's eyes too went soft. "I don't know man, I could have been drunk or something, you know how things go, it's a party school," he tried shaking it off, trying not to think about it. "I'm glad you're here though man."

    "Yeah me too, it's good to see my dorky little brother doing so well for himself." Dean smiled and drank the last of his beer.

    "Yeah a dorky little brother that can kick your ass," Sam laughed, his dimples showing as he brushed his hair out of his eyes.

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