Chapter 4

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Deans woke up when Cas started to get up. He was half way laying on Cas' lap. "Sorry Dean I didn't mean to wake you, but I figured I should head to my room, the movie is over and you were asleep"

"Oh, heh, right, but, uh," Dean cleared his throat, "maybe we could sleep out here," It was too dark to tell, but dean blushed so hard, "I mean I know how cold it gets in those rooms, it's just that it's so much warmer out here"

Cas' face lit up,neither of them were high anymore and he knew he didn't have the guts to try something with Dean, he was scared Dean might not be into guys, not many people were these days. "Yes, okay, That is a very valid reason."

"Well uh, you wanna watch another movie?" Dean said shrugging a little.

"Of course, as long as you don't fall asleep again"

"Okay I got a good one, a scary one, so I won't fall asleep"

"What is it called, I'll put it in" Cas said bending down and opening up the movie case.

Dean watched the way cas' shirt lifted a little and showed his back, "Amityville Horror, It's one of my favorites, my dad used to have me and Sammy watch it while he was at work" Dean sat down at the end of the couch instead of laying down so Cas could sit there too.

Cas put the movie in and went to sit down, but instead he laid down and put his head on Dean's lap. Just to see what he would do, he expected Dean to have a weird reaction, but he didn't he just adjusted so Cas would be more comfortable. They watched the movie about halfway through before they both fell asleep.

Cas woke up to Dean's alarm clock ringing, he was still laying on Dean's lap, he didn't want to get up because he was so comfortable, but he had to wake Dean up or he would be late for work. He stood up and Dean woke up quickly, "Sorry to wake you up again, but your alarm has been going off."

Dean jumped up and went to look at the clock, he ran out of the kitchen, "Shit shit shit," He came back out dressed in jeans, and a t-shirt with a flannel, he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, the door slammed behind him, but flew right back open as Dean walked in. He pulled out his cell. "Hey Bobby, yeah, I'm not gonna make it in today," There was a pause and Dean rolled his eyes. "I'm not an Idjit, I knew you were gonna be snowed in too....Okay Bobby, have a nice weekend."

Dean closed his flip phone and threw it on the couch then went to take a shower. Cas just stood there with a confused look on his face, then he shrugged and went to make breakfast.

Dean got out of the shower just in time, Cas had just put pancakes and eggs on the table. They sat down to eat, there was only two chairs at the table, across from each other. It was quiet, too quiet, all you could hear was forks scraping against the plates. Cas was racking his brain, trying to think of something to say, anything. "So", he cleared his throat, "you got the day off?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah uh I can't really go anywhere it snowed all night so uh we're kinda," Dean gestured to the window, "snowed in"

Castiel's face lit up so much he ran to the door, "I've never been in snow before", his inner child was coming out, "Do-do you think we can go out in it."

Dean looked totally shocked, "You've never been in snow before?" Cas shook his head, "Well what are you asking me for dude, go play in the snow!" Dean started laughing as Cas darted out the door with only pajama bottoms and moccasins on. He figured Cas would get cold so he went and grabbed him a jacket, then went out to enjoy the snow with him.

"Here put on at least a jacket, you don't want to get frostbite or something", he handed Cas the jacket.

"This isn't mine", Cas said questioningly, putting it on.

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