Logan grinned at it and held it out to me, "Happy early birthday Eva."

"You want me to keep it?" I looked at him, surprised.

Logan shrugged, "Well I'm not about to leave a puppy on the side of the road like that jackass. And I think you need a pet."

I took the puppy from him and cradled it. It happily squirmed in my grip and fought to kiss my cheek. I laughed and nuzzled it's incredibly soft white fur.

The thing looked like a tiny snowball.

"What breed do you think it is?" I asked Logan, holding the puppy up by its armpits to get a good look at it.

I looked into its kind, coffee brown eyes and smiled.

Logan squinted at it, "I think it's a baby German shepherd."

"Awww," I babbled at the puppy, cuddling it to me.

I gave Logan a look as he snapped a picture.

"Whatcha gonna name it?" Logan asked.

I picked up the leg of the puppy and concluded it was a little girl. My mind filtered out a random word. To attempt to kill or reject.

"Those assholes totally nixed you, didn't they?" I purred, "I'm naming you Nix."

The puppy just happily licked my chin.

"Should we get her checked out or something? I don't want her to be hurt," I said to Logan, scratching behind Nix's ears.

We sat on the the tailgate and fed her what was left of the lunchmeat. She was thin and obviously malnourished. Nix was only the size of a small cat, so we knew she was pretty young.

Eventually we got back on the road and I was driving. I laughed as Nix made herself at home on Logan's lap, looking out the window excitedly.

"You know we're going to have to go get her some stuff right? She can't live off lunchmeat," Logan chuckled as he stroked her fur.

I didn't know the first thing about taking care of a puppy. This was all new to me so I knew Logan would have to help me out.

I giggled as Nix barked at a passing car.


"This place is creepy."

"Logan, I'm too tired. It's one night. You can stand guard at the door all night if you like," I sighed as I parked in front of a slightly shabby motel.

It was as late as I dared to drive and I was nearly falling asleep at the wheel. Logan lifted Nix off his lap and tucked her under his arm. He was just as tired as I was.

We got our stuff, got a room from a dude with three teeth and finally got to plop down. We'd spent all day driving and were only about halfway to Wyoming.

Having a puppy meant more frequent stops, or else we might have another accidental pee spot on Logan's shirt.

I threw on one of Logan's hoodies and let my hair down. I sighed as I watched Logan check for bedbugs or lice or something.

When he deemed the mattress safe, I maneuvered my way around Nix, who seemed to love to stay at my feet. I've nearly tripped on her four times. I was afraid I'd accidentally hurt her.

Logan fell back on the bed and I landed on top of him. He wrapped his arm around me and smiled, "How tired are you?"

"Tired," I mumbled into his shoulder.

We looked at each other as we heard small indignant yips. I looked over the edge of the bed and down at Nix.

She lost her balance and fell back, growling playfully at me. She stood and pawed at the side of the bed, begging to be part of the fun up top.

"Aw someone feels left out," I chuckled and scooped her up.

"Not on the bed..." Logan muttered.

I looked at him and poked my lip out, "But...Logan, she's an orphan. She needs cuddles."

He gave me a blank look. Nix and I looked at him cutely. She even whined.

Logan rolled his eyes, "Alright fine, but just for tonight."

I grinned and got under the covers, pulling Nix over with me. She laid down in between Logan and I, panting happily.


I groaned as I was pulled out of a deep sleep. I opened my eyes and squinted in the darkness.

Nix was tugging at my sleeve determinedly.

"You need to go pee or something?" I yawned, sitting up. She jumped in my lap excitedly.

I got out of bed and shimmied some shorts on. Grabbing Nix and a key card, I opened the motel door.

"Eva?" Logan grumbled, sitting up sleepily.

"Nix has to pee," I muttered and closed the door behind me.

The only light was the street lamp and I  still couldn't see well. I sat Nix down on the grass near the parking lot and waited.

She raised her back foot and scratched behind her ear until she fell over. I nudged her with my bare toe, "Go, go pee."

She decided to try to eat grass instead and chase a cricket.

"Well...I know you have to go. You'll go eventually," I sighed, turning back and walking a short distance to sit down and lean against the door of our room.

Nix followed me and sniffed at a piece of dirty gum on the sidewalk.

"Go pee," I mumbled and leaned my head back.


I yelped as the door behind me disappeared and I fell back roughly.

"Eva! There you are," Logan appeared above me, looking worried.

I blinked in the sunlight, "Whahappen?"

"You took the dog out last night and I feel asleep. I woke up this morning and thought you never came back," Logan reached towards me and sat me up.

I rubbed my eyes and grimaced as I realized how stiff I was from sleeping upright, "Must've fell asleep out here. Where's Nix?"

And speak of the devil. Nix came around the corner and dove into my lap excitedly.

"You get my girl kidnapped and I'll skin you alive," Logan pointed at her scoldingly.

Nix only cocked her head to the side.

"I need a pillow," I yawned, laying back on the floor and closing my eyes to sleep just a little more, totally ignore the puppy who was squashing my boob.

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