Confessions and Confusions

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Jack's POV

I woke up to the feeling of Mark cuddling with me. I smiled and kissed his forehead causing him to wake up.
"Morning Jackaboy."
"Morning Markimoo."
"What time is it?"
"Uh 8:07."
"We should get ready for school."
"Ok. I can borrow your clothes right."
"Yeah of course."
Mark walked into the bathroom to get dress and ready. I looked in his closet and found jeans, a black t-shirt and a blue and black flannel. I quickly got dress and it all fit perfectly. Mark came out the bathroom and just stared at me.
"Is it ok? Do I look fine?"
"You look so damn cute."
"Th-thanks. Your not to bad yourself."
He had a dark grey hoodie, a red shirt and skinny jeans. Luckily I had my backpack with me when I met Mark I  the park. We grabbed our things and left his house. As we were walking here had his arm around me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. When we got close to campus I held on to him. Before we got to the courtyard he kissed me on the lips.
"Do worry I'll protect you."
"Thanks Mark."
We walked into the courtyard and he still and his arm around me. I saw his friends and they looked like they were looking for Mark. I was so worried that they'll hurt me. Before I could tell that to Mark I got a text from Cry.
Cry- Hey are you here. Meet me in the library
Me- Yeah I'm here. I have to tell you something. I'm bringing someone. And you still have Sam right?
Cry- Yeah he's here. And who you bringing?
Me- You'll see. See you in a few.
"Hey Mark Cry wants to meet me in the library. I think it's a good time to tell him."
"Yeah go head."
"Actually you think you can come with me. I want you to meet someone else."
"Sure I'll got with you."
"Good and promise me you won't freak out."
"I'll try."
We walked into the library and Cry was in regular spot. He didnt have hus mask on again. He didn't see us so we walked up to him.
"Hey Cry."
"Hey Jack and Mark? What he doing here?"
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about.*Sigh* Me and Mark are...... together."
"Yeah. You knew I really liked Mark, turns out he really liked me."
"Wow I happy for you guys. Just don't ever hurt him Mark."
"I won't I love him too much to."
"Awww. So where's is he?"
"Right here."
"Ok Mark whatever you do don't freak out."
He nodded his head and I slowly pulled out Sam. He was in my hands looking at Mark. Mark look shocked.
"What is it?"
"He's a septiceye as I like to call him.  His names Sam."
"He's cute. Where'd you get him."
"My mom was a scientist and she made him for me awhile ago. He's been my only friend. He's always hiding in my beanie and stays on my shoulder."
"He's so cute. Like his owner."
At that moment the bell rang I put Sam behind my neck so he won't be seen.
"Bye Mark. See you later. I love you."
"Love you too."
I kissed him and said bye one more time before leaving with Cry to 1st period.

Mark's POV

It's was crazy to see something that should be impossible to see. Like a live eyeball. Sam was so cute though. I walked out of the library and went to my 1st period. When I got to my class my friend Felix was there already. I didn't want to face him but I sit next to him.
"Hey where were you this morning?"
"Does it matter?"
"Uh yeah. Your our friend. The guys were looking for you or that Jack guy."
"The guys wanted to have some fun."
After Felix said that I wanted to punch him.
"You know what Felix I'm done with bullying Jack. I'm actually in a relationship with him. I love him so much so if you dare hurt him or his friend I'll hurt you and the guys way worst than I did him."
He stayed quiet afte that. Eventually the bell rang for us to leave. I quickly left not wanting to see any of my use-to-be friends. I got to my 2nd period and I didn't really play attention. I just wanted to be with Jack.

Time Skip

Finally its lunchtime. I ran out of my 4th period and ran to the lunchroom. I saw Jack waiting by the doors for me.
"You waited for me?"
"Of course I did. You want to sit at me and Cry's table?"
"Nothing would be better."
I put my arm around him and went to the table. We sat down and waited for Cry. Me and Jack were talking and Sam was on his shoulder. Cry still hasn't shown up and after awhile of waiting Felix came to our table.
"What do you want Felix?!"
"I want to apologize to Jack. I really didn't want to. But some feeling made me."
"It's fine Felix. I forgave Mark, I'll forgive you too."
"Thanks sooo umm where's Cry?"
"I don't know. He should of shown up awhile ago. Why?"
"Oh uhhh n-no reason."
"Wait do Cry?"
"What n-no. But does he talk about me?"
"Ok you definitely have it for him Felix."
"Ok yes I do. But I bullied him, he probably still hates me."
"Well ask him because he's coming over now."
"Hey guys sorry I'm late. Oh uhh hi Felix."
"Uhhhhhhhh h-hi....."
Felix was blushing badly. I think Cry noticed.
"Ummmm is he ok? And why is he here?"
"I think Felix should tell you."
"I-I I can't."
Felix ran away from us.
"Is he ok? What was that all about?"
"Should I tell him Mark?"
"I think so."

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