The Secret

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Jack's POV

It was the end of the day and I was walking home. I told Cry in 6th period I couldn't come over. He was fine with that. As I was walking home Sam was crawl all over my shoulders. He always knows how to make me smile. When I got to my neighborhood I saw Mark walking too. He seemed to noticed me and walked over me. Sam hide behind my neck and stayed out of sight.
"Hey Jack."
"You live around here?"
I pointed to a my house just down the street.
"Oh I actually live two houses down from you."
"So.... why did you move here?"
"I r-really don't want to talk about. It's just for my dad."
"Oh. Well I guess I'll see you later."
He went inside his house and I walked to mine. This time my dad was home. I entered the house quietly. I sneaked into my room and set down Sam. I really wish my dad wasn't here sometimes. I don't really hate him, I just strongly dislike him. I hide in my room for the rest of the day. Not eating once again


I woke up at my normal time. I had the nightmares again, but I ignored them. I got dress, grabbed Sam, my stuff and left. Sam was on my shoulder being himself as always. When we got to school we went to the library again. We went to the back as always, but this time Mark was there!Sam quickly crawled under and beanie and hid.
"Uh Mark what are you doing?"
"Well I know you come here every morning, so I thought I'd visit you."
"But why?
"Well you seem interesting to me. "
"Ok? I guess it's fine."
"So you come here everyday?"
"Mmm hmm"
"Just cause."
I was getting nervous. I'm not used to people asking me a lot of questions. Especially from Mark.
"So tell me about yourself Jack."
"You actually want to know more about me?"
"Yeah. You seem cool."
"Well actually I'm not comfortable telling people I can't trust more about me."
"Oh. I could tell you about me if you want."
"Well I'm 16, I'm part Korean, I'm great at sports,........"
Mark continued to talk about himself and it was actually intresting. While he was talking Sam kinda peaked out my beanie from the back. He was on my shoulder and surprisingly Mark didn't notice. He crawled back into my beanie and stayed out of sight. A few minutes later the bell rang. Me and Mark said bye to each other and left. When I arrived in Science class Cry was there.
"Hey Jack."
"Oh hey Cry."
"So I noticed that Mark wasn't with his friends this morning like he normally is. Was he with you?"
"Oh. So I'm starting to think he likes you."
"What! No a guy like Mark isn't gay."
"You never know."
"I don't even know why he wants to be friends with me? I'm nothing."
"That's why we're friends though. We're both nothing. But I think you should tell Mark how you feel."
"I don't know. I'll think about it. I just don't want to lose him as a friend. If we even are friends."
"No pressure."
"Thanks Cry."
"Anytime Jack."

Someones POV

I was bored out of my mind in my science class. Me and my friends were talking when I over heard a conversation about my friend Mark. It's coming from a table beside us. That Masked werido and the new kid. I over heard them saying that the new kid had a crush on Mark! Im a popular guy and a football player, I could do whatever I want. I thought it be fun to tell Mark that this loser has a crush on him. I know Mark and he's not gay. Just wait till he finds out.

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