We left the police station and headed to the alley where he was found. I immediately felt a pang in my heart. Another family lost one of their members, this one being the youngest at all. I felt like all the work I had been doing was for nothing.

       The killer was still out there and we had no clue who it was.

       I looked at Karina. "Was there anything else about the killing that you were told?"

       "Only that the last time he was seen, he was arguing with someone outside of the school," she said.

       I sighed as Angus looked over. "He was arguing with someone?" Karina nodded. "Let me guess, it was Calvin Eaten."

       "They never said who it was," Karina said. "But it probably was."


       "Alright, Sherman, I'm going to need you to bring Calvin to the police station for some questioning," Angus said. "And no, Simms, you're not watching this time because you keep steering us off course."

       "What?" I asked. "I'm not. Calvin is innocent."

       "Then tell me why everyone he argues with dies," Angus said.

       "Not everyone," I said. "My brother didn't."

       "And why is that?"

       I stared at him for a bit before knowing what he was talking about.

       Because Calvin loved Kenny and wouldn't kill him.

       I mentally shook my head. No, it wasn't Calvin. I couldn't let anyone else change my mind. Kenny wouldn't be protecting Calvin.

       Would he?

       The coroner showed up and confirmed Rajan's death to be about an hour ago. 

       Calvin better have a good alibi or he was screwed.

       When I returned to the police station, Linus walked out of the interrogation room. "Guess what?" he asked when he saw me. "It looks like you're wrong."

       "What makes you say that?" 

       "Calvin is refusing to give an alibi," he said. "He shouldn't have anything to hide if it wasn't him. Once the chief gets here, he's going to be going to jail for a long time. Oh, and perfect timing." I looked over to see Angus walk over. "Calvin isn't giving an alibi."

       "Why not?" Angus said. "Doesn't he know what's at risk?"

       "He does, and he's still not saying anything," Linus said.

       Angus then looked at me. "Simms, I hate to do this, but I think you can head home for the day."

       "Let me guess, you don't want me watching and claiming that he's innocent?"

       "Exactly," Angus said. "Come, follow me." He led me outside of the police station. "Why are you so determined that Calvin is innocent?'

        "Three reasons. Both of his best friends, one of which who is my cousin, say he isn't capable of it and he once cried just because he stepped on a spider. His alibis all checked out. And no matter what, he would never hurt my brother."

       I suddenly saw Mom and Dad walking towards the police station and when they saw me with Angus, they walked over. "We heard Calvin was arrested," Mom said.

       "Well, not arrested, but he's being question," Angus said. "Why? Don't tell me you're going to try convincing me it's not him."

       "Nope," Mom said. "I believe it is him."

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