The Angel and the Key

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Ourano Kosmo (outside the Pearl gates)

The sole of Azazels feet connected with the peculiar looking ground at a fast rate.
He was not running for his life though. He was already dead. The new body he resided in was bound to break down soon, but he had to get the crux key to Earth or Hell world (Gi or Kolasi Kosmo).
So, the angel was instead, running to redeem himself and help in saving his brethren and humanity from the cold grasp of Satanas. But, there was a beast on his heel. That beast, was Beelzebub.

"How much longer can you keep this up, traitor?"

Azazel, realizing that running wasn't the best idea, decided to stop and face Beelzebub in all his molten rage. If he were still in his true form, the fight would have been fair. But in the body of this demon, he almost didn't stand a chance. Still, he was going to fight him anyway.
Outside Ourano Kosmo (Heaven World), the surface looked like galaxies placed on the ground. In fact, if one took a close look, it almost looked like they swirled. Very ethereal.

Seeing as a portal was no where in sight, Azazel finally decided to stop in his tracks. He opened the box, placed the crux key around his neck, tucked it inside the demon armour and then did away with the empty box.

"So you are ready to die Azazel!?"

The fallen angel charged towards Azazel, riding a wave of molten lava.
Azazel, noting this, stretched out his hands and said,
"Éla Se Ména (Come to me)"

Immediately, his corrupt soul blade materialized on his palm. He gripped it tight and quickly evaded the incoming charge by switching spaces in the form of a dark thick haze.

"Agh!" Azazel yelled out as he appeared in the opposite direction. He quickly dropped the soul blade as his palm bled from the area where he held it. There was a deep cut on his palm.

"So your little trick has it's downsides eh, Azazel?"
Beelzebub asked, as he turned around while preparing a huge ball of lava with his hand.

"Your blade may have recognized your psychic call BUT it does not recognize your alien touch..."

Azazel didn't expect his soul blade to be that way at all despite the fact that he was in a foreign body. The act surprised him greatly.

"Tell me now, Azazel, how do you truly intend on getting away with the key..."

The fallen angel hurled the huge ball of lava at Azazel who looked completely defeated. But being in a different body did not decrease Azazels agility. He swiftly picked up the corrupt soul blade from the ground and yelled out,

"POLLAPLASIÁZO! (Multiply)."
Over fifty replicas of the angel in the image of the demon he possessed appeared in front of him in a straight line. He planned on using them as a shield.

It didn't take long before the huge ball of magma came blasting through like a comet. It burst through the clones one by one. Smashing them to pieces until it got to the actual angel.
Azazel shielded himself as the ball smashed into him. The force of the impact and size of the ball had been greatly reduced as it burst through the clones earlier. But he still had to deal with the burning liquid on his body and his palm that was bleeding profusely from holding the soul blade.

Azazel dropped the blade again, falling to the floor in a kneeling position. His entire stolen body burned from the lava that had gotten on it.

"I've always found it to be quite ingenious, the way you make use of your ability to create duplicates of yourself."

The fallen angel advanced towards Azazel who Now looked more than worn out. Each step he took left a lava filled foot print on the peculiar surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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