
'Where the bloody hell are you?' Do you know what time it is?

It was Chester, or Chet as I called him. Looking down at my watch I realised that more than three hours had passed while I was watching the vampire. My cheeks burned thinking of him, those eyes, his unruly copper hair, that face, his manner and his parting cheeky smile and wink. The 'Order' had told me that Vampires were all evil without exception and that they would attack me on sight, but he did'nt and then I remembered Chet one day, during one of the Order's lessons, whispering in my ear 'Keep an open mind, if you don't it could get you killed'.

'Are you listening to me? Andrasteia'

'Yes, yes Chet, I am on my way'

'Well hurry, Teia, they know you are missing, you know better than to leave the order without me. What were you thinking? You might be seen?' You've got some good explaining to do, I have............

I hung up. The longer I stayed listening to him whine, the longer I was away. They say that women moan, but Jesus Christ, Chet sometimes really took the biscuit. Chet was my appointed partner as he bore the same mark. However he was more like my guardian, my saviour and my best friend.

Chet was 'one of the good ones' as they say. He was kind, honest and looked out for me which often led him into trouble. He was tall, around 6ft, had short brown hair with blond streaks (He was extremely vain about his hair) and blue eyes' An 'Order' requirement was to keep fit and in shape so Chet was defined, muscular and actually quite a head turner. Although he had spent most of his life in Britain, he was originally from Australia so he had a slight Aussie twang when he talked, it was cute.

My mobile rang again but I ignored it, I had been out for hours and I realised I really had to pee, really pee. I ran quickly to find a discreet place. It's funny how you feel paranoid when you are doing something you should'nt; like relieving yourself in the middle of a field, in the dark. I almost felt like I was being watched. 'Phewhee' I said out loud as I stood up and straightened myself and I was almost certain I heard a giggle.

Hurriedly I started to make my way back to the manor as night had now started to fall and I was not supposed to be out at all especially at night, when my mobile beeped.

Chet 'Where are you? Hurry up'

Me 'I am on my way'

Chet 'From where Timbuktu'

Me ' 'Ha, I am by the clearing ten minutes away,'

Chet 'Well hurry he is looking for you'

I knew instantly he meant Marios and I wanted to get back before he did or before he found me, I darted off into the night unaware I was being followed by the owner of a pair of two beautiful green eyes.


I heard a booming voice, calling, no actually screaming my name. It was Marios and he sounded furious.

The Prophecy.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang