The Dinner

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I stormed into my room and slammed my door, I went straight into my bathroom and stared into the mirror at my reflection. The whole situation with Chester kept running through my head, ‘did he not touch me because he really did care about me or was it because there was something wrong with me’. I slapped myself ‘Stop thinking like this, there is nothing wrong with you.’ I said out loud and then I heard a laugh.

‘Apart from smelling like a damp dog’. I spun round to Jeremiah standing there laughing at me.

‘I don’t smell like a dog, I showered this morning’ I replied trying to discreetly smell myself.

‘You do to me, you've been near a werewolf, haven't you, enhanced senses remember,’ he replied taping his nose, ‘and you smell like Chester, have you two been canoodling?’

‘NO’ I shouted back. He laughed. ‘What are you doing here anyway? If Chester sees you in here he will flip’.

Jeremiah replied ‘And I don’t care. I’ve been invited to dinner and I don’t have a date. I want you to come with me.’

‘Firstly! You cannot just demand I come with you because you don’t have a date and secondly you eat?’

‘Yes I can and yes’ was his reply. ‘Hurry up and shower, we have to get going. That werewolf smell is over powering..........ew’ He said shooing me further into the bathroom and then he shut the door.

‘I can’t, Chester won’t let me leave’ I shouted,

‘Don’t worry I coerced him, he won’t be a problem’. Jeremiah shouted back.

I immediately stuck my head through the door, ‘you did what? You better not have hurt him’

Jeremiah pushed my head back through the door and closed it, ‘Hurry up’, he shouted, ‘it’s just a vampire advantage I can make people believe things I say. He thinks you are ill and you want an early night. It does not hurt and he won’t remember.’

‘Is that what you are going to do to me so I will come with you?

‘If I could I would, it would be quicker. Unfortunately you’re one of the only humans it does not work on. Hurry up Teia.’

After I had showered and dressed Jeremiah said ‘OK let’s go’.

I’m not sure about this,’ I replied, ‘What if I get caught?’

‘Teia, you’re a teenager, act like one. Let’s go!’ and he grabbed my hand and led me out of my room as we walked down the corridor we ran straight into Chester.

‘I thought you were ill, you look ok’ he said. He reached forward and felt my forehead. ‘you feel ok’

Jeremiah leaned into Chester’s ear and whispered ‘No she doesn’t, feel again she is boiling hot. I’m taking her out for some air and you will go back to your room and sleep until midday and forget you have seen me’.

Chester leaned forward and felt my forehead again, ‘Shit, you are burning up. I’m going to sleep. Call me if you need anything.’ And he walked off towards his room.

Shit’ I said ‘can you make people do anything.’

‘Yes, anything’ Jeremiah replied

‘Can you do me a favour then?’ I asked him

‘Like what, let me guess it has something to do with Penny’

‘Yes it does, I want you to make her snort like a pig and flap her arms every time she thinks Chester says something funny.’

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