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A year had passed since I’d had my baby, and Marios had taken him from me and it was almost two years since my Chester had died. Asin and Griffin kept telling me that I was strong and a survivor but what they did not was that Nicholyn, Waryn and Geffron were taking turns to ease my pain. What they did not know is that I tried to commit suicide three and all three times Geffron had stopped me.

The nurse had lied for me and said I had complications with bleeding and needed at least six months to recover, much to Michael’s annoyance. He had actually tried force himself on me twice but Geffron never being far away had, again, stopped him. Marios never questioned the nurse; he never knew how much she respected Chester and as I was only twenty he told me I had plenty of time to give him more.

Nicholyn also tried to make amends as he convinced Marios to send Michael back to Australia sporadically to help Chester’s mother cope with her grief and he gave me a picture that he had of Chester and I don’t know why but I did not tell Geffron and I hid it from him.

I still wanted to know what had happened to Chester’s body and I begged Geffron to take me to Jeremiahs, I prayed to God he had not taken him and burnt him in that furnace.  Eventually he did but Jeremiah was not there; a young couple stated they were now living there and had been for the past year. I shouted his name over their shoulders but I heard no response; the couple were definitely human as I could tell and they did not look like they were feeding or being fed from. They had no bite marks, were not sweating and had none of the other usual symptoms.

Michael was now in Australia for the next few months, Marios was always busy in his study, I heard he was trying to track down Abbot Carter again so he now left me alone. So I spent most of my time with the twins which made the days, until the inevitable happened, more bearable. We spent our time playing video games and they taught me how to drive, ride a motorcycle and even skate board and as the months passed I became quite good.

They actually took me everywhere they went, they were very sporty and lots of fun to be around. They got me drunk for the first time, (the bastards actually posted it on YouTube) took me to my first football game, took me out clubbing etc. For almost year it was just the three of us and I began to realise that the twins were not that identical after all.

For example Geffrin was a lot colder than Geffron, he never opened up and would easily start fights with people that ‘looked at him the wrong way’ if ever I became upset, Geffrin would roll his eyes and walk away were as, Geffron, who actually hard a heart of gold would normally get punched trying to stop the fights his brother started and would always comfort me without being asked.

One particular afternoon, Geffrin had gone out, he did not say where and Geffron had fallen asleep while we were watching some movie, so I took the chance to really look at his tattoos closely and he had a lot. I held his hand and turned his arm over and over tracing his tattoos with my finger, I did this for quite some time. When I looked up at him he was awake and watching me, “Sorry”, I said dropping his hand quickly. I was embarrassed.

Geffron smirked, “You want one?” he asked me.

“What a tattoo?” I asked him

Geffron rolled his eyes, “Yes”, he laughed.

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