Taking Sara by Chester

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My phone springing to life woke me up, it was a text message from Jeremiah.

'I know where Sara is staying, call me I'll take you there.'

There was also a picture attached and it was of a girl with long red hair. I immediately recognised her, it was the same red head that had been in the club that night and she was the one that had knocked Teia to the floor. So this was Abbot's sister, Jeremiah's ex, I studied the picture. I wanted her image burned in my mind so I would recognise her on sight. I called Jeremiah back almost straight away,

'When do we go, I said to him the second he answered.

'Hello to you as well,' he sharply answered back.

'Look we don't have time for this, I want to get her asap. You told me that she was my best bargaining chip so the sooner I have her the better,'

'You can still say hello, how are you. Not difficult is it to be nice to the only person that can actually help you.'

'That description is right, you are stubborn. Now tell me now where is Sara is and I mean NOW'

'Jesus Chester, you're getting bossy aren't you?'

'Stop acting like a dick J,' and then the little fucker hung up on me. I could not believe he had just hung up on me. I was becoming frustrated at the situation, I needed to get Teia back but the waiting was making me agitated, very agitated and I needed to talk to her.

I called Abbot and just prayed that he answered and he did.

'Well let's get things in motion then' Abbot told me and then I heard my Teia, she sounded frightened and I just wanted to cry. I just had to apologise to her.

He only let me speak to her for seconds which agitated me further.

'When do you want to me to come there?' I said into the phone hoping he was still there and could hear me.

'When I say,' Abbot told me 'as a matter of fact, If I'd have known what you were I would have taken you that night, but now you have had time to think of a plan and I am warning you not to try anything. I know you are clouding your thoughts from me, I am stronger and faster than you can imagine, so don't think the fairies can help because they can't. There is no way Marios will just let you hand yourself over and now excuse me cos I am hungry.' and the line went dead.

I wanted to hit something, Abbot was feeding on her right now and I wanted to kill him but I was distracted by screaming and shouting from outside and I recognised the voices. One was Marios and other was Jeremiah , flaming Jeremiah was inside the Manor. I shook my head and actually laughed, he had some balls that vampire.

I walked out into the hall and saw Jeremiah had Marios held by the neck both Rick and Eric were trying to pull him off but they could not move him. The realisation then sank in of how strong Abbot and his sister had to actually be. Two hunters could not bring down Jeremiah and Teia told me it took over five vampires to hold off Abbot, five vampires.

'Chester, call these idiots off, before I kill them.' Jeremiah asked me.

'Put him down first,' I said pointing to Marios, although I was actually enjoying watching him hang up there. I was actually quite impressed but then Jeremiah narrowed his eyes at me and let Marios drop to the floor. 'There, happy,' he snapped and then he bent down to Marios and warned him, 'try anything and I will kill you. Let's go somewhere we can talk'

'The study,' I said as I extended my hand to Marios to help him up but the jerk would not take it as he stood up.

Once we were inside the study Marios turned to Jeremiah, 'you've got some nerve Fletcher. Showing up here,'

Jeremiah just laughed in his face, 'you should be speaking to me better. I don't like your tone. I'm here to help, but if you think you do not need it I will go. I was under the impression you're a chosen one down'.

'What the fuck is he doing here?' and I just hung my head there was only one person that could make a bad situation worse and that was Henry.

'Well, fuck me it's the one and only Troy,' Jeremiah spat at him. Henry went to grab him but Jeremiah just pushed him back. 'Don't touch me dickhead, tell your dog to behave Marios, or I am out of here.'

'Fine!' Marios snapped back at him. 'Henry just sit and listen.'

The look on Henrys face was a picture and he sat straight down. I was starting to like Jeremiah again.

'I can take you right to Sara now. Everyone has to do what I say, exactly what I say, because I warn you, if we fuck up and she gets away, then this is over and you,' he pointed at me, Rick and then Eric 'will probably all be dead. Cause she will go straight to Abbot.'

I slapped my hands together, 'Let's go'.

Jeremiah winked at me, 'not yet mate. I've been watching her for days now and she always goes to feed around 7pm. Just as it's getting dark. We wait, she's gonna be easier to take when she is hungry and while she is feeding. So in the meantime, we can all have a little catch up.' the sarcasm was thick in his voice as he said it.

'I am going to get the tranq's ready, you lot can do all the catching up you want,' I told them and I walked out headed towards the nurses room. However Jeremiah came with me. 'I'd rather be with you then them.' he said me and I shook my head and laughed as it was not much of a compliment but at least he was honest.

Two hours later we were all ready and everyone and I mean everyone was going. Henry and Olyver were under strict instructions to behave, we were all positioned in various places around Sara's feeding place.

We had to wait until she was actually feeding before we struck in case she noticed us. It was nerve wracking and I was just anxious to get it done. Once she was immobile we were planning on taking her back to the Manor and securing her in one of the cells. She came into sight, Jeremiah stayed well out of sight as he was not even supposed to know where she was. I watched her as she walked, it was almost like a dance and she was very graceful and then she looked at me and her eyes narrowed, she had seen me watching her.

I kept my cool and pretended I had not noticed her but she stopped right infront of me, this was not going to plan. I could not let her feed from me, it would be game over and I knew she was attracted to me.

'Hi, have you got the time?' she asked me.

'Almost seven,' I repiled but she did not move. I smiled at her and turned to walk away but she held out her arm so stop me. 'Are you Austrailian?,' she asked me. I was trying to stay calm, no-one could come and help me, Sara knew Jeremiah and Issac and she knew all the brother's as well. This was not good.

'I lived there for a while,'

'You look familiar', she said to me. She looked at me, she was trying to read my mind but I was blocking her.

'No, we've never met, I would remember that'. She moved closer to me and her eyes went wide, 'That necklace, where did you get it.' now I was in trouble. I had bought this necklace for Teia for her sixtenth birthday, it was an odd shape and had snapped in half one day, Teia made the snapped half into another necklace and given it me. It was obvious it was a match.

'There you are. I've been looking for you,' Rick slapped me on the back. 'Are you ready? Everyone is in place.'

I nodded and we both shot Sara at the same time, she turned to run as the drugs had not yet taken effect, but Marios and his eight brothers had now circled us and before she could speak they shot her one by one.

She fell to her knees and looked up at me, 'You're Chester aren't you. You are going to regret this, my brother will torture you to death when he finds out,'

I was just about to answer her when she dropped to the floor and passed out. I could not believe it had worked, we had taken Sara down.

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