Chapter Two - The Order

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I was awakened by cold water being thrown at me and I realised where I was. I was still in the cellar, chained to a wall being held prisoner. Abbot was keeping me here because apparently the 'Chosen's' blood tastes divine. He wanted to know where all the other chosen ones were being held across the world as he was planning to take us all and sell us. He was going to use me as bait and Chester was his next target.

I realised the description in the book was right, he was unhinged and very unpredictable. He was angered easily and he was cruel. He kept threatening to torture me if I did not tell him where the all the manors are across the world. I kept lying and told him I did not know, they had never told me. I was trying hard not to think about anything so he could not read my mind but being so hungry I was having difficulty concentrating. I had only thought about Chet for a few seconds but it was enough for Abbot to realise he was the one with all the information.

'Hungry?' he asked me 'I bet you are, tell what I want to know and you can eat.' I just looked at him, I would never sell Chester out, ever. I was weak and Abbot knew it, both of my arms were covered in bite marks and bruises. He lunged forward and slapped me hard across the face but I was so numb I could not feel anything.

'Then tell me what you know of the 'Order' he demanded. I did not want to anger him further so I told him what I knew.

The order was made up of a family of powerful brothers, all of whom had sons and they worked alongside the Kings and the Knights of the Round Table. The table was created by King Arthur, to prevent arguments between the brothers and the knights. The table was round and thus everyone was deemed equal, everybody faced each other with no one sitting at the head.

The brothers all held special gifts, they could see the supernatural, they could control them and they had enormous power. They assisted keeping peace between the two worlds, the supernatural world and ours.

The knights and the brothers took an oath

To never do outrage nor murder

Always to flee treason

To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy

To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succour

To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows

Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods

For years both worked together that was until one of the knights Sir Tristan broke two of the rules. King Anguish of Ireland had arranged for his daughter, Iseult to be married to King Mark of Cornwall. It was Tristan who was sent to Ireland to fetch the would be Queen. While in the process of bringing her back to Cornwall, Tristan and Iseult fell in love with one another. In one day, Tristan had committed Treason and started a battle for love.

They were declared outcasts and the King ordered that they were found, hung, drawn and quartered. The Knights were divided, many were devoted to Sir Tristan, had fought many battles alongside him and refused to mane him in anyway. Those that held his honour, set off in search to protect, warn him even though this was seen as treason meaning they too were outcast. Thus leaving the remainder, more unworthy Knights with the only seats at the table.

Marios, the eldest son of the eldest of the brother, could not hide his glee, this was the rumble in the foundations he had been patiently waiting for. He was bored of sitting and wasting his power, he wanted to use the order to control the supernatural, to gain power, wealth and finally have the glory he believed he deserved. He knew the only way he would be able to do this is to kill the all those that stood in his way. In other words he would have to kill all the members of the order but Marios did not care. He did not love his father nor his uncles nor his cousins and Marios and his brothers had decided they wanted all the power for themselves. Their father was in constant talks with Kings trying to maintain peace and Marios used his noticeable distraction to gain control.

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