colourblind (5x7)

Start from the beginning

"Oh─! My vision...!" 

Doctors suddenly began swarming into the room, checking the monitors beside Iga's bed and examining some files. A man with a clipboard walked up to the two boys.

"Hello Igarashi. How are you feeling? Your fiance told us you passed out?"

"What? Fiance─" 

"Fiance!" the light-haired boy beside him exclaimed with enthusiasm, awkwardly wrapping his arm around Iga's shoulder.

"What the fu─"

"Now tell me, Igarashi." The doctor gazed sincerely into his eyes. "Do you know what caused your faint?"

"I don't understand─why am I in the hospital? I just fainted! People faint all the ti─"

"Did that answer my question? No! It didn't!" the doctor interrupted cheerfully.

"Uh... okay then. I'm seeing things differently now, everything is just so overwhelming to look at─"

"Well Igarashi,  your file does say colour-blindness. Do you think you have regained your ability to see colour?"

It all seemed to click into place. Everything was so vivid and invigorating now... colour!

"Y-yes!" Iga shouted, eyes sparkling.

"Hmmm... do you know how you regained colour?"

"Well, I was drinking my coffee, and then..." Iga turned around and pointed to the boy. "He touched my shoulder, so I turned around, and the second we made eye contact, my surroundings were different, my vision was different, and everything was... different!"

The doctor removed his glasses and stared straight into Iga's eyes. "Well, Igarashi, it seems like your so-called fiance might just be your soulmate!"


  ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅

"This is purple!" Nanashima exclaimed, picking up a violet flower and gently stroking the petals before giving it to Igarashi.

Iga stared at it for a second, his mind absorbing the shade before grinning smugly and sticking it into Nana's hair. 

Nanashima had introduced himself after the doctors had left, and sheepishly apologized about lying that they were engaged. The two became closer after the visit at the hospital, and now spent time together often, doing stupid things and casually flirting with one another. Nana wanted to show Iga all the colours in the world, and Iga wanted to see Nana's face light up as Iga learned everything. 

"Okay!" Nana yelled, making a weird expression and staring into Iga's eyes. "What colour... is this!" he cried as he pointed to his pupil.

"That's green, Nana," Iga smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Yay!" Nana cried, pumping his fist into the air.

"What colour are mine?" Iga questioned.

"Hmmm... I don't know!" Nana declared, gazing intently into Iga's eyes. "They change! Like a kaleidoscope!"


"Yeah! They're so pretty, and nice! I like them a lot!" Nana chriped. Iga felt a sudden urge to embrace him, so he did.

Iga hugged him, wrapping his strong arms around Nana's shoulders and holding him close. Thank you~ he whispered into Nana's hair and kissed his head softly. Without him, Iga would have never discovered the wonders of colour and vibrance, and never feel as happy as he did now.

a few weeks later ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅

The two boys sat in Nana's apartment. They were cuddling on the couch while watching some strange film.

"Is the world better with colour?" Nana asked as Iga ran his fingers through the blonde's hair.

"The world's better with you," Iga replied, smiling.

"You're such a dork," Nana accused, a small grin on his face.

"Ah! What's this? Did I make Nanashima smile?" Iga asked playfully and brought his face close to Nana's.

"S-stop!" Nana laughed and weakly hit the boy's arm.

"Say, Nana, why did you even talk to me, that day we met? And called me your fiance?" Iga questioned.

"I talked to you... because you were really hot," Nana's voice lowered at the last part, and he buried his blushing face into his elbow.

Iga laughed. "Oh really?"

"Yeah..." Nana squeaked, Iga's face grew serious. "I saw you, and I was thinking like─damn, if only I could just kiss─"

He was interrupted by Iga kissing him. Nana's emerald eyes widened and then shut; he placed his hands on Iga's neck and kissed him deeper, until he could taste the mint on his breath.

Iga kissed him like he's never kissed anyone before, laying Nana down on the sofa so he was on top. Nana moaned a bit, his heart racing with passion and desire. He had never felt so intimate with someone before, and this was only one kiss. After several minutes of making out, the couple finally pulled away shyly. Iga gazed into Nana's eyes lovingly while Nana giggled and covered his blushing face with his hands.

"You're so-!" Nana sighed happily and giggled some more. He gets so cute when he's flustered.  Iga thought to himself.

Iga chuckled and gently kissed Nana's nose before wrapping his arms around his waist, the two laying comfortably on the couch. Sooner or later, the two fell asleep, tangled together.


wrote another 5x7 to balance the ships lol

may change my chapters to twice a week instead of every three days, it gets confusing sometimes lol im pretty sure im a day off

sorry if this is cringy Dx 

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