"You cannot be a vegetarian and eat meat, Darwin. That's not how it works." Xenon explained. He'd shown up a bit late to class because of last nights gas, which meant it'd worked successfully. I wondered how Clean-Up was going to cover the guards tracks to his friends and family, something I hardly ever thought about till now. Did they make it look like he disappeared, or killed himself, or cloned him? The possibilities were many, but for sake of discretion I was never told what happens to the bodies after we terminate them.

"Yeah it is. A vegetarian is someone that eats vegetables. Not someone that doesn't eat meat."

"It's someone that doesn't eat meat." Louis confirmed bluntly.

Darwin sighed and stared at them both hopelessly.

"So, if Gina says she's a vegetarian. And she sucks... "

"Not the type of meat we were talking about! " Marcus cut in and everyone laughed, I was getting used to all this chatter. I liked it. The meaningless conversations that brought bits of laughter into our day were going to be missed once this mission was over.

"Blayze. You've been awfully quiet. Everything alright? " Xenon asked.

"Yeah, just trying not to picture Gina allover Darwin's meat," I said, earning myself a few chuckles, except of course from Trent, who just sat there brooding all day. I'd tried to explain to him that the whole purpose of being undercover was to pretend everything was alright so people don't ask too many questions and he'd said, "Oh so now you're an expert of being undercover; just leave me alone B92." He hadn't even bothered to use the cover name. He seemed more done with this mission than I was, and I couldn't blame him.

Once he was done with his food, he threw his containers in the bin and made his way out of the cafeteria.

"Damn, Blayze, you must've really pissed him off," Grayson said as we both watched him leave.

"Or he's just being a gigantic baby," Darwin added.

"Gigantic," Louis repeated, "Look who's using big boy words."

Darwin threw him the finger.

Nito stood up next and announced he'd be waiting for me as well as anyone else who wanted to smoke, in the man cave.

Xenon spit out a mouthful of carrot juice -yes, carrot juice, as he tried to stifle a laugh. "Wait, you want to smoke Nito's stuff?"

"Trust me, Blayze, that's not a wise decision," Marcus advised.

"How would you know? You've never tried it," Nito said.

"Yeah, you're always busy doing 'sports'," Darwin jeered, rolling his eyes.

"I've seen first hand what Nito's strain does to people and you don't want to be a victim believe me."

"Oh, Marc don't be such a wuss,"

"Yeah, football season's over, so perhaps you'd like to join?" I asked. He instantly shook his head. "Xenon?"

"Not happening," he answered rather too quickly.


"I'm already high."

I cocked an eyebrow. "You don't look high."

"Yeah, he's mastered the art of being off his rockers and still going about like he's sober. He's actually always high," Xenon said.

"Yeah I'd be surprised if you've ever seen him sober," Grayson added.

"Louis eats space cakes for breakfast, no joke," Nito said.

That explained why he was always so quiet and unbothered, the guy wasn't even in our universe half the time.

Guys, Lies and Deadly Spies. (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now