"In your dreams," said Ladybug winking at Cat Noir.

"Would you two stop flirting already! Ugh it makes me sick! Some super hero you two are!" fake Volpina screamed.

"I'm not flirting!" Ladybug cried.

"You so are." Volpina said grinning.

"Is she really??" asked Cat Noir excitedly.

"No I am not!!"

"Ugh!!" fake Volpina screamed. She threw some illusion arrows at the school which made students go screaming back into the school.

"You can't scare us with your illusions!" Volpina yelled. "Let's decide who the real Volpina is once and for all!"

"Want to bet??" she grinned.

Suddenly there appeared a ton of fake Volpinas, Ladybugs, Cat Noirs, and actual Volpinas all around them.

"Wait who's who??" Ladybug cried.

"Who are you? I'm the actual Ladybug!" another Ladybug cried.

"Try fighting everyone off now!" laughed fake Volpina.

Cat Noir struck at her but she vanished in a puff of smoke. "That one was fake!" he called.

"So is this one!" called another Cat Noir striking another fake Volpina.

"Now I'm so confused..." Volpina said, holding her head.

"She's trying to confuse us so she can grab our miraculous! Don't let her do it!" called Ladybug.

"Right, m'lady!" answered several Cat Noirs at once.

"Ugh this is so confusing!" cried several Ladybugs.

"Just try guessing who I really am!" taunted fake Volpina.

Cat Noir struck at her just to find it another illusion. "Okay we seriously need a plan. Ladybug??"

"Lucky charm!!" shouted Ladybug throwing up her yo-yo and calling her special power.

A leaf blower spotted like a ladybug fell into her arms.

"Planning on doing some yard work with that?" laughed Volpina.

Ladybug grinned and looked around. "They're just illusions! Cat Noir, get ready! Her akuma is probably in her necklace again! Cat, can you grab it?"

"Yeah but I'm going to need a hand!" he said grabbing Volpina's hand.

"Aw my pleasure, Cat!" she said starting to swing him around.

"Your time is up, fake!" Ladybug cried blowing the leaf blower in front of her blowing all the illusions away to reveal the fake Volpina several yards away.

Volpina threw Cat Noir towards her and he grabbed her necklace. "Cataclysm!" he said using his special power to destroy the necklace.

The akuma floated up and Ladybug called, "Time to de-evilize!" throwing her yo-yo at the akuma.

"Miraculous ladybug!!" she said throwing up the leaf blower.

All illusions disappeared including the ones she hadn't blown away and fixing Lila's necklace.

"What am I doing here?" Lila asked shaking her head and standing up.

"Good team work!" Ladybug said fist bumping both Cat Noir and Volpina.

"Agreed! I'm just so stoked to be working with you guys!" Volpina gushed.

"Yeah pleasure to have you on board, Volpina! Do you go to our high school too??" Cat asked.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Where stories live. Discover now