St. Patrick's Day Dilemma

Start from the beginning

            "Yeah mate you were a mess last year. That had to be a wicked hangover the next day," Harry added.

            "I really don't remember much from that night or the next day. I slept it off mostly."

            "I know I had a hangover the next day," Louis laughed.

            "I think you easily matched Niall with your drinking," Liam chuckled.

            "No I don't think anyone could match Niall," Louis replied.

            "Whatever you say Louis," I grinned. Once we were finished at the bar when went to the next one. The one we hit next was known for their sliders and fries (chips). It was a little after four at that point and I was definitely buzzed. But there was no way I was going to stop after one bar. We went inside and ordered the food and got set up with some drinks. I wasted no time downing my first beer and getting another.

            "Might want to slow down a little Nialler," Liam warned. I brushed him off.

            "Naw, I fine guys." I wasn't too far gone yet so they believed me. We did the same as we did with the first bar. We ate our weight and food and I out drank everyone. The fuzziness in my head was starting to take over but I was feeling too good. When we decided to leave it was past six in the evening.

            "You want to go to another one or do you want to stop?" Liam asked everyone.

            "We can't stop now it's too early!" I protested.

            "I could go for one more round," Louis added.

            "Niall you sure?" Harry asked. I was drunk at this point but I felt like I still had control of myself.

            "Totally, let's hit another one," I replied. Liam shrugged and we got in the cars and drove off to the last bar of the night. Everyone else was pretty done with the bar food but I could smell pizza as soon as we walked in and I wanted it badly. So I ordered a pizza and more beer. Harry hadn't had much to drink all night and Liam wasn't drinking at all. Louis ordered some more with me and we both drank more than our fair share of alcohol.

            We ate about half out the pizza together before the other boys stopped. Louis had stopped drinking and started to complain about the pizza upsetting his stomach. Harry asked if he wanted to him to take him home but Louis said no. I kept eating and drinking which caused some concern looks from my friends.

            "Niall maybe you should stop now," Liam suggested softly.

            "No way Payno, I'm just getting started." My words were slurring quite a bit now.

            "It's getting late Niall, I think Y/N might start to get worried," Harry added. I finished what was left of my beer and quickly asked for another.

            "She's not worried," I told them. I got my beer and drank it all very quickly. Liam stood up from the table.

            "We're done Niall, I'm taking you home," he said sternly. "Harry go pay for this please," Liam said handing him some money.

            "I'm fine Liam!" I protested.

            "What 2x6?" Liam asked. I giggled

            "100," I answered. Wait maybe that was wrong. "99," I changed my answer. "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer," I started to sing without thinking about what I was saying.

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