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Kristi may have left the home, but she left something behind in me; a new found sex drive. I was 13, and after starting off my adventures in sex rather confused, I now felt like I could learn some more with other girls. Finding out about sex from an older girl who pretty much forced it on me meant I had some pretty distorted views of how it was supposed to go. I found myself only interested in the girls who put a lot on show. The girls that wanted the boy's attention, the ones who made it obvious they'd already done things. I wanted those girls. The quiet, respectable, good girls just didn't interest me. At least, not at first.

Porsche was the first girl I slept with after Kristi. She was older too, and she had no qualms about getting with a younger boy. She told me that she was going to show me a thing or two, and she seemed to get off on the fact that I was younger and inexperienced. While she did show me a few things I hadn't known before then, she wanted nothing to do with me following our encounter, and she'd swiftly moved onto the next boy in our school the next time I saw her in the hallway. Her next 'victim' was another kid in my grade, and she'd took great pleasure in sucking face with him in front of me.

I didn't know why it bothered me, in all honesty. I wasn't looking for a girlfriend at that age. I was out to get whatever I wanted, and Porsche, although easy, wasn't someone that gave me a thrill. There were much prettier girls in my classes, and most of them didn't have to try. Porsche wore a week's worth of makeup in a day, and always had big earrings and short skirts to compliment her look. She was good to look at, but she wasn't exciting.

After a while, I got tired of the 'fast' girls competing for my attention. I got bored of their fake laughs and their push up bras. It was all too easy, and the thrill of getting down to it just wasn't enough for me anymore. I wanted a challenge.

Erica was a shy girl in my English class. She was a model student, good in all subjects, and came from a good home. She'd never had a boyfriend as far as I'd known, she kept herself to her small group of friends, and she'd pass me looks when she thought I wasn't looking. She was my first prey.

I started by passing her looks back, but I didn't turn away when she noticed. Instead, I'd wink back at her or smile, and she'd blush, red in the cheeks. It only encouraged me further. The next time she left her desk to sharpen her pencil, I wrote her a little note and scrunched it up before leaving it on her desk. I watched her as she approached her table, eyed the note suspiciously and began to look around the room as she unfolded it. I turned away when she looked my way, waiting until she'd read the note. Once she had, I saw her blush again, and this time, when she scanned the room, I made my eye contact clear. She got herself another wink from me and I saw a smile spread through her lips.

Getting Erica to like me was a game. I thought up ways I could impress her, talk to her or compliment her, even when I wasn't in school. I left her notes, started up conversations and checked her out at every opportunity I could get. This process took weeks, but slowly, Erica started to open up to me more, she stopped blushing as much, and when I finally asked her to hang out, she said yes.

I didn't have any money, of course, not having any parents at home, but it didn't stop me. I knew ways of getting things by now. I'd spent enough time with Jared and Cooper to know how to watch a movie for free, or have the chocolate bar that I wanted. I snuck in with Erica to watch a movie, and she told me it was the baddest thing she'd ever done. The innocence of her was something new to me, and it intrigued me every time.

Sleeping with Erica wasn't going to be easy, I knew that. Sneaking into a movie was the worst thing she'd ever done, so when I kissed her, she'd instantly pulled away. However, I persevered. I had to do it. It was an idea I'd gotten in my head and I couldn't get it out. It was like an obsession to me, a game, a thrill. To somehow turn this good girl into a bad one.

Eventually, I did get Erica to sleep with me. I'm ashamed to admit it now, looking back, that I'd charmed her into bed, telling her that I loved her, telling her how much I wanted her. The worst part was, once I'd gotten what I'd tried so hard for, I lost interest, and it was bye bye Erica.

I'm a pig.I know this now.

(I hope you'll stay with me for the rest of my story). 

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