I want to see the sunshine. To see as much of it as I can. 

But I can't do that without writing this. I need to let the words out.

To let go.

To know. To realize what I have kept hidden.

To accept me as who I am.

To be brave enough to fight through reality and to grow my own wings.

And I don't know you. I don't know who I'm writing to. But I want you to know that the sunshine is still up there. Up there, just a little above you - Oh, just a little to your right. Because I know you want it. Because I know you want to read those unread books and words. To explore the fantastical world outside - but not before you explore the underneath. To learn of acceptance. To learn to fight the constantly moving walls of darkness, threatening to squeeze you to oblivion.

Because I want to read those stories behind those eyes.

Because I know I'm not alone.

Because I know we can go through this.

Just you - paper, ink, and words along with my soul and heart and others like me.

Because I want to live - not exist.

I want to understand why. 


Why am I feeling this? Why should I try? Why and how can I see that sunshine until it covers my body in warmth and I never want to let go.

Because I know that with you, we can go towards the sunshine together.

To learn that as long as I want that sun, the shadow will stay with me forever, hopefully, behind me as I learn to control you.

For now, I need you.

Words and ink and books. The stories I long to hear and read. The fascinating wonders and bravery those characters held. The fear and will behind their eyes as they slash their way forwards.

I can't write too much.

Words, are dangerous.

And powerful.

But this is my first time. And I hope to give you paper, ink, words, and some hope and light in the dark.

Because I know its tough. But I want to read those endless stories.

I want to see the sunshine.

I want to bring you along with me through the darkest times and help guide me - and you, so that we can fly and soar among the words on the blank pages.

I want to learn, to see, to understand, to help, to seek to... everything, but its hard so I need you. To help me grow my wings. To see beyond. To help those like me. To collect and bask in every piece of sunlight I can because this life is precious and I want to continue without spilling all my dark secrets as its ruining me.

I need to let go and accept.

And this is my first step.

And I believe...

Life has its mysteries and we're never ready - because then, where's the fun in that?

I want to create my story. To learn the stories of many others. To grow my wings and get away from those sad ghosts who just want to haunt me.

They're not worth it, they don't know what I'm worth. So I'll fly away from them and show them the sunlight that I see.


Author's note:


Ok this is so weird but anyways.


Check the blurb if you haven't.

Now I know we've been through downs, and right now, I've been through some dark times and I want others who are going through them now to know that it's ok, that there's hope and you have to learn to accept yourself and your surroundings and learn to seek the light. And BE the light. I know this first 'letter' is sort of dark, but I hope that you all can learn from this the light that shines within each and every one of you. That there are shadows that come with the light and we can learn to bear it. To learn to become brighter and try to dwell the shadows within our hearts.

And, last but not least...

~You are amazing.

~You are awesome - because you are reading this, kidding, you are still awesome.

~You are phenomenal.

You are amazing in more than a million different ways.

~ Winter :D 

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