"I knew that because mine leaves for London around 5. You won't be late Zayn, it's okay." Perrie said, chuckling.

"Okay," I breath, stepping out of bed. I put on a t-shirt and decide to stay in my sweatpants for the plane ride. "Why are you going to London?" I gather some clothes and shove them in my suitcase.

"The girls and I have some interviews tomorrow and we're visiting family." She explained, placing some clothes into her suitcase. She briefly looks at me and I nod.

"Has Ariana responded?" She makes small talk. I immediately from and shake my head. "Do you think she is mad?"

"Yeah, probably. She knows we're fake and just for management but it still probably hurt her." I said, walking to the bathroom.

Perrie said, "I can talk to her if you need me to. Just give me her number and I will explain everything." I smile at her kindness and open up my shaving kit.

"I will if it gets to a bad point." I replied, my voice echoing through the bathroom. I quickly take out my razor, shaving cream, and proceed to shave my face.


After I shave my stubble, I walk out of the bathroom with all my belongings that were in there and place them in my suitcase. "I think I'm ready, are you? We can go to the airport together."

"Yes, I had planned that- Oh Zayn," She said and giggled when she looked at me. "Wear your beanie, your hair is a mess."

I roll my eyes with a smile and fetch my beanie from my suitcase and then shut it. I brush my hair back with my fingers and place the gray beanie over my hair. Perrie smiles in approval and zips up her suitcase, as I do the same.

"Ready?" She asked and I nod, pulling my suitcase and bag out of the room and to the airport.


"Tell your mum I said hi." I said, hugging Perrie. She looks up at me and grins. I've met Perries family before and they're all nice people. They all know about Perrie and I and for management making us date but they still love me as a friend.

"Have a safe flight Zayn." She said and I nod, releasing our hug. "See you," I give her one last smile before boarding the plane. I walk down the long hallway and onto the plane. Perrie's plane leaves in 45 minutes so she walked me to mine.

I find my seat next to a man who looks around 50 and sit, after I've placed my small suitcase in the compartment above. I quickly buckle up and lean back against the seat. It's not too long until the plane takes off and suddenly, I find myself dozing off.


I had been sleeping until the feeling of the plane landing on grounds shook me awake. I've been sleeping for a very long amount today. I don't know if it's because I'm tired or if I'm a little sick. Either way, I get to sleep, that's fine with me.

The intercom lady says we can stand up now, since the plane has landed and parked itself in the correct place by the airport. I stand up and grab my bag. This plane isn't too packed, so it doesn't take long for me to get out. Once I step into the tunnel outside the plane, I feel the warmth of Los Angeles all over my body, the complete opposite as New York.

I step out of the tunnel and into the airport. It feels good to be back, especially since I get to see my loves soon. I roll my luggage and walk through the airport. Before I can walk out, I'm stopped by a few girls with smiles larger than ever.

"Zayn!" They all repeat continously. I smile at them as they walk over. "Can we get a picture?"

"I love your beanie!"

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