Engagement party part one

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Maddie's POV:

So tonight is Juliana's and Niall's engagement party. I'm thrilled for her really....so early though.

I slipped into my black ball gown dress. Deep breaths. I had to apply make up. As I finished doing my hair Ben walked in, his suit black and rather well fitting

*a few hours later* 

We arrived at the hall where the party is being held. Ben slid his hand around mine, slowly bending down to my ear and whispering "you look stunning dont worry" my cheeks heated up fast. I couldn't speak without stuttering "y-you dont look too bad your self" shit.shit. did I actually just say that to Benedict Cumberbatch????? Well fuck my life.

As we entered everyone was dancing and laughing in the process me and Ben made our way to the bar. I was greeted with a screaming Juliana "Maddie! OH MY STARS YOUR HERE" her very sweet accent filled my ears "Juliana why wouldn't I?" she embraced me for a while. "I have no idea. Hey Ben!" she kissed Ben on the cheek in greeting "Juliana how are you?" his British accent sent shivers down my spine "Amazing! you?" I have never seen her happier. "I'm pretty good, so where's Hiddleston?" his eyes scanning the bar "He is coming later. So Ben and Maddie when is YOUR set date." I looked confused, Juliana looked at my left hand and looked up again with a surprised look and confusion "First of all where is the ring on the finger hun?" Benedict finally caught on and so did I. "oh god no no." we both said exactly at the same time "Juliana we aren't together, what kind of silly thing would that be?" his words hit me like a brick. Really? is that what he thought about us? My heart sank. I had to say something quickly that would stun him " Yes, of course I would never go out with such a arrogant arse hole of a man." with those words I stormed off to the outside rose gardens. I didn't even bother turning around.

I made my way around the rose maze, the bushes were high so no one saw me.

To my annoyance there was someone already there, a tall curly haired man in a tucks, texting. "Shit sorry" I said once he noticed me "OH no it's fine I was just leaving. " there was a awkward silence "So your friends with the bride or groom?" I hesitated to say "Groom" again a awkward silence played around "you?" he said his bright green eyes sparkling "the brides best friend" I said feeling prouder than I should of felt. "I'm Harry by the way. Harry Styles" HARRY STYLES?! "hey....I'm Maddie" he seemed intrigued "Now your in a very beautiful dress...there must be, i dont know a man in there that has broken your heart without knowing? Am I right" My eyes widened "Dead on in fact" my voice obviously showing how shocked I was. "Maddie!!!!!" a familiar voice called out but I couldn't exactly identity who. "Maddie!!!! Its ME" of course. It was Graham. "Sorry I have to go...." I shouted to Harry as I  was running towards Graham.

I finally see Graham I in his purple suit, I smile and jog towards him. "Maddie, you look amazing. As always" we greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Benedict?" Graham asked looking around confused "I called him a arrogant arse hole" I looked down onto the floor, Graham on the other hand was trying not to laugh at me "You called Benedict Cumberbatch a arrogant arse hole?! My god this is funny as..." I smirked after realising what I said. "we better go inside you must be frozen and thirsty, wine should do the trick." I giggled at how Graham actually thinks Wine will hydrate me"Sweetie wine doesn't hydrate us it dehydrates us" Graham looked at me then looked forward again "Shut up smart arse " he snapped in a playful way. I laughed at his reaction.

The next hour passed fairly quickly the time now was eight thirty. Graham and I was drinking and laughing through out the hour. "Look its Tom!!!!" Graham shouted getting Tom's attention and succeeding in doing so. He started walking over in his black suit, he dresses like Ben. "Hello Graham" they gave a hand shake "Maddie! Where is Benedict and why isn't he with you?" Graham and I looked at each trying not to laugh. "She called him a arrogant arse" even Tom start started laughing at my insult. "why did you call him that for?" Tom said in fits of laughter "He just said it's a silly idea for us to be together and I felt rather insulted" Tom glared at Graham, looking intense "Well-" Graham was swiftly interrupted by no other than Benedict "Tom we need to talk out-" his eyes darted to me "Dont mind me. I'm going to find actually interesting people while you talk businesses" I took my wine cup and walked around the room.

*another hour passed*

I finally found someone interestingly enough to talk to. It was Harry of course and Liam Payne, we were talking about their plans for after One Direction "Well I want a family and a nice job" Liam said sipping his drink "Well enough about your soon to be boring life. Maddie would you like to dance?" I finished off my wine "Yeah sure I'm already pissed so dancing should be fine" Harry Styles took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. His hand resting on my hip and the other holding mine, the music started and we slowly waltzed around the floor. I heard a few "Isn't that Gown beautiful" and "She is beautiful it hurts" everyone was looking at us but my eyes was on Harry Styles. I was spun around and around. I have never felt so free. The song was finishing up as Harry dipped me, his lips closing in at the time, he was just about to kiss me when I pulled away. Confusion flowed around the room "Why would she NOT kiss him" other people shouting "What is she hiding"  I felt the sudden need to run, but I stood my ground. A few of the drunk girls walked up to me, I stared at them unable to move. "hey Maddie riiiigghhhhttt?" I nodded "Your a compete slut...we know all about your little do dar with Harry outside!" they slurred "Obviously not as sluttly as you look in those dresses " I choked. They looked pissed after that remark "You fucking bitch!" one of the girls came up to and slapped me around the face.. I felt dizzy and felt myself fall and hit the floor. "Maddie!" a familiar voice called out, my vision was blurred so I saw something or someone wearing black. I was picked up bridal style and taken somewhere. "Get off me peasant I am the Queen" I screamed once I was set down again. "Gosh she's rude when she's drunk" Graham was in the room his accent was obviously his. "I can tell" Tom was there too. None of them however carried me "Peasant I feel insulted" Benedict chuckled. Of course. "Fuck you arrogant arse hole" I spat at him. "God Maddie your defiantly pissed." Graham chuckled "Whatever you say purple smurf" I waved my hand in a direction causing Tim and Ben laughing. "Ooo how rude!"


authors note

Hey this is part one sorry it's late but here it is. This is the first part of the party. Vote and comment what you think. Part two next Saturday

- MaddieCatLikeBadger

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