The Beginning

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Maddie's POV: 

I sipped my tea again this time rubbing my temple with my free hand. The stress was starting to build up. I had a writers worst possible fear. MIND BLOCKAGE! I was turning twenty tomorrow and I needed to write another chapter to send off to the publishers for my new book. "Fablous! GREAT. Brilliant" I reaptidly say almost losing my temper. I decide to watch a movie, any movie just to give me time to rest my over worked brain. 

I scroll through Netflix deciding on watching Star Trek Into Darkness. Mid point through the movie Benedict Cumberbatch appears (actually near the beginng but that isnt the point - MaddieCatLikeBadger)  shivers are sent down my spine, wow my Cumberbitch is showing again. What is wrong with me? Yeah he IS a great actor. Infact a amazing one. But just a actor. A writer and a actor are like best mates in some way. A strange way to be perfectly honest. 

The film ended and I still dont have any creativity flowing just yet. I decide to go through my email. A email from one of my friends I met over at a dinner. Graham Norton, I read the email slowly making sure I didnt miss anything 

Graham: Hello Maddie I'm delighted your writing again I've just finished reading your fablous small trio of books. I am also delighted to invite you to my show tomorrow night! You will be joined but Tom Hiddleston and others (its a surprise) PLEASE PLEASE email me back if you cannot make it or wish to come. P.S. Happy Birthday tomorrow! - Graham Norton xxx

I had to reply quickly!

Maddie: Heya Graham. Thanks for reading my books! They arent amazing but they seem to be a BIG hit somehow. I will be delighted and over the moon to come on your show tomorrrow!!! Tom Hiddleston is gonna be there?! AWESOME! Thanks for the birthday wishes but I WILL see you tomorrow. Your truly Maddie xxx

And SENT! I was all of suddenly excited for my birthday tomorrow. I had to pick out a dress. A pretty dress. A fablous dress. 

Graham's POV: 

I began to think through about my show. Tom Hiddleston is helping me out with this match thingy he came up with. He seems to believe that Benedict Cumberbatch needs a girlfriend to keep him loved up instead of boring and strange. Of course I offered Maddie a dearest friend of mine, she was beautiful and smart how could Ben resist? ONE problem. She has never been in a relationship! LIKE NEVER! Just because sher rejected a few people because she is ALWAYS working on her books which are amazing but they always talk about romance and then it slips away but regains. Its not that she hasnt expreienced love before its jus I've never actually seen her with a male of any kind. Sher shy and all but once she starts talking about something she loves like books and acting oh and music shes inspired. 

Well hopefully she wont hate me after tomorrow night. Well if it goes wrong anyway, if it does Tom is taking the blame for everything. I mean everything! Happy Birthday Maddie enjoy your surprise set up date!

Authors Note:

Hey I'm Maddie. Yes the girl in this is Maddie! Yes it IS me but its only because I want to be a writer and I had blockage on names.

One Direction WILL appear so dont get all crazy!

Read my other ffanfic too! This is my first Benedict Cumberbatch one :D

- Maddie xxxx 

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