Smiling brightly, Harry nods and wears the jacket Zayn gave him for Christmas "That's true" Harry mumbles while grabbing his phone.

"That jacket looks so good on you" Zayn admits as he freely check out of lover, noticing how the material clung tightly around his broad shoulders and prominent biceps, hugging his long torso perfectly.

It was drool worthy.

Harry smiles "Thanks babe" he says while kissing Zayn's lips softly and just before he pulls away he tugs on Zayn's bottom lip, earning him a quite moan from his boyfriend as they exit the house.

Climbing into the car, Zayn leans against the seat as he wears his seat belt "We should watch a movie when we get back, that new film called Endless Love looks pretty sick" Zayn comments as he glances out of the car, seeing the city buildings coming into view.

"Yeah that sounds girly Zayn" Harry teases as he remembers seeing the trailer to that film, about the girl being innocent as she meets this tough guy who her father doesn't like, one of those forbidden love films.

Zayn rolls his eyes "Don't try and act as though you don't like girly films, let me just remind you that you were the one that was begging me to watch Bridget Jones Diary for the fiftieth time, so don't try and act all hard on me" Zayn interjects while smirking.

Throwing his head back laughing, Harry presses his foot to the break as they came to a red light "Okay, fine you got me and sure we can watch that" Harry gives in as he smiles lazily at Zayn.

Cheering loudly, Zayn grins happily "Yes, plus I went to the shop yesterday and bought some popcorn too so we are very prepared for tonight" Zayn admits.

"So you won't need prep?" Harry whispers seductively while winking in a teasing way.

Zayn's cheek burn from embarrassment from Harry's dirty words as the car begins to move again "No, I didn't even mean it like t-that! Urgh, you are such a pervert" Zayn whines helplessly.

Smirking, Harry pulls the car over "You know you love me like that" he points out as he climbs out of the car walking over to Zayn's side, opening the door for him.

Like a gentleman.

"I do love you, no matter what" Zayn confirms while smiling as he pecks Harry's lips quickly.

Harry nods happily "Good, now let's go eat breakfast before my stomach eats itself" Harry announces as he links his fingers between Zayn's warms one as he guides Zayn into Dolly's Diner whine they go find a table, in the far back just for them two.

Rolling his eyes while smiling, Zayn shakes his head "I highly doubt your stomach can eat eat itself, Harry that's impossible" Zayn says while chuckling.

"Yeah well let's not think too much about it, or otherwise instead of eating, we'd be arguing about the lack of scientific knowledge I contain" Harry says as the waitress approaches them.

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