(14)Spindrift Blue Barracades

Start from the beginning

They were surreal and calculating.

Hypnos' face was more angular, but he had the same hard jaw line as his brother. Hypnos face looked younger in a way, but more angelic. His dirty blond hair was longish and parted over to the one side. His skin was slightly lighter than his brothers, but they were both extremely tanned.

"Hypnos- this is Aurora, Hecate's successor."

I nodded my head; "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Hypnos stared down at me with cool eyes, but then a small, aloof smile formed on his face; "The pleasure is all mine."

His voice was just as deep as his brothers, but lacked Thanatos' intimidating quality. His was quite ominous though...

"My brother has told me much about you..." Hypnos said as he turned to sit down.

I shot Thanatos a look of warning as he pushed out the chair for me to sit on. He smiled slyly- reassuring me that he didn't spill our little secret. I smiled back at Hypnos; who was taking a sip from his glass.

"All good I hope?"

Thanatos snickered softly and seated himself at the head of the table, between the two of us as we sat on either side of him.

Hypnos laughed softly and leaned back in his chair; his grey attire appearing darker in the candlelight. "Naturally... How are you enjoying the palace, Aurora?"

I could tell Hypnos was far more mannered than his brother, but I had the feeling he wasn't as charming. He seemed more reserved and less inclined to social gatherings.

"It's wonderful. It was quite the adjustment, but I'm more than used to it by now."

"A drink, Aurora?" Thanatos asked as he poured himself more whiskey. I nodded and smiled politely- it was strange being in the same room with him and not being able to touch him; "White wine, please."

Thanatos indicated to Silas, his servant, to fetch me my drink.

Hypnos spoke up again, his smile cool and indifferent; "How is the training coming along?"

"Very well, thank you." I said as Silas poured me a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. "It took some time to find my magic, but as soon as we did, the training came naturally. Of course, I can't take all the credit- Conrad and Al-"

"Yes!" Thanatos spoke up, interrupting me before I could speak further. "Of course you can take credit. You're a natural."

I eyed him. That was strange.

Hypnos smiled; "And my brother hasn't given you any trouble, has he? He can be so relentless..."

Thanatos and I both laughed, but it sounded so false we might as well have told him about us to save ourselves the embarrassment. Hypnos keen eyes scanned our faces as he took a sip of his bourbon.

"He's been very... kind." I said as I tried to drown myself in my glass; avoiding Thanatos eyes and trying not to blush too deeply.

"Well, that doesn't sound like you at all." Hypnos said as he shot Thanatos a sly smile. "Are you ill, brother dear?"

Thanatos chuckled as he leaned back to rest his arm on the chair's back; "I can be hospitable when the need arises."

"And I'm sure the need has arisen quite often..."

I tried not to choke on my wine. The two brothers stared at me as I placed my glass down and smiled. This was beyond embarrassing. I'm sure they were used to talking about their sex-lives, but I certainly wasn't- and not in front of family. Not that we've had sex- oh, gods! Does he think we have?

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