Ch. 15, Please

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Meanwhile Travis was cleaning up his house. He wasn't ready to start packing, but he could start organizing his mess. Nyxeria was taking her time. He didn't think much of it. The extra time gave Travis time set up. He organized the fire pit area with a large blanket and several choice books. He was able to get some smoke going in the fire, but he had to wait for Nyxeria to get back before he could really get it going. Then he made some hot chocolate. Putting the drink into two mugs he started to reflect on the time spent with her. As cliché as it sounded Travis had never met anyone like her. He had never felt more like himself than when he was with her. That was what he was going to miss most.

 The first evidence of an oncoming storm was Nyxeria reluctantly shuffling towards him. Her downcast eyes and arms wrapped tight around her, expressed her misery. Travis had not even noticed the missing fire starters. All he wanted to do was hold her tight and kiss off her frown. He hung back. She stopped in front of him. Her eyes were now serious. His forehead and eyebrows were scrunched. They both knew what was coming.

 "Hey," Travis said. His hands twitched. His subconscious longed to fix the situation.

 "Hey," Nyxeria's voice wavered, "I guess you'll be leaving soon."


 "That is really soon." The sting of his words hurt more than she predicted. She got to the core of it, "What are we doing?"

 "Come back with me," the words escaped his lips before he could ponder them. Still he meant them.

 "I can't."

 "I know."

 Tears were building up. She felt them coming, but pushed them back. Travis's throat was swelling up.

 "Becky showed me some stuff you are in."

 "Oh." His eyes went to his feet.

 "I can't do it, I can't be what you need."

 "You have no idea what I need."

 "But I know what I need. And it can't be you."

 "Nyxeria, please..."

 The tears began to fall. They no longer could deny the facts. They were hopelessly in love and they had to say goodbye. The space between them ceased to exist. Wrapping themselves around each other, they wept. Each breath they took breathed in the other.

 "I didn't want this," Travis's muffled words sank in. Nyxeria's mouth found his. There was no use talking anymore. Beneath the stars and beside the stuttering pathetic fire, Nyxeria and Travis said goodbye in the most humanly way possible with loosing themselves in each other until one entity remained, their love.

 On a blanket they lay in silence. Watching the stars they each waited for the other to make the crushing blow. Nyxeria sat up. She leaned down. Pressing her lips to his she kissed him for the last time.


 "Goodbye, my darling."

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