Ch. 13, Evidence

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At the diner it took Becky minutes of browsing the Internet via her phone to find Travis. At least the man was British, named Travis, and an actor. Becky was taking her time comparing his pictures to her memory of him. It made sense that reorganization was not immediate. People were different in person. Besides out here he couldn't be immaculately clean and well-dressed. Once she got off her shift, she headed straight to the library. Her plan was working perfectly. Bruce and her scanned magazines and articles to find proof.

 "Hey lookie here. This sounds promising. It is dated over two weeks ago. 'Travis has dropped off the radar. With no sign of him we can only speculate where and what he is doing. Could he be a part of a production tightly under wraps and out of the country or could the rumors be true and Travis has finally gone off the deep end? Is scandal on the horizon for this too clean-cut celebrity? Friends and family refuse to comment.' It is starting to add up. Right?" Bruce asked.

 "Idk. Nyx is better at this. She has to have already found out. I mean she's Nyx. If not this has to be enough to convince her."

 "Then she'll breakup with him?" He hoped.

Becky nodded, "Probably. It's not like she can keep on dating him. Her mom is already crazy loco and with the way her dad died, I don't think can handle any more stress."

 With that they agreed they could prove Travis wasn't what he appeared. Bruce was excited for the prospect of getting Travis out of the picture for good. Becky on the other hand was torn. She didn’t want to hurt her friend, but how could she not tell her. It was just too juicy.

 When they got to the Page’s house, Becky held the newspapers and magazines from the library as Bruce knocked on the door. A tired Mrs. Page peaked out the door. Max bellowed behind her.

 She looked at them as she tried to understand why they were here. "Nyxeria is not in right now."

 "Hello Mrs. Page. We are actually here to see you." Becky said smiling up at her.

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