|Chapter 48: Tactlessly Defensive|

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Jason had managed somehow to slime his way out of this business meeting, and not anyone else had the capability to.

Then again, he had special permission from Mother to permit his absence, whilst Felix, Abigail and I all had to attend.

Abigail was somewhat annoyed that I'd be making her dress... and designing it emerald green due to Mother's explicit instructions. She groaned as much as she could whilst I was taking her measurements and notifying her of the dress's appearance but she took no notice of my praises. So when the time was right, I got my sewing machine out of my wardrobe and began to mantle two ball gown dresses.

In the end, mine was a periwinkle blue and Abigail's was an emerald green, but darker so in some lights it almost appeared to be black but that was due to the material I utilised. Mother found the material quite speculative and found that many of the guests would indeed be enticed by the mesmerising colour and so she deemed it worthy of being sculptured and made into a dress for Abigail.

So when it came to the business meeting, many people were letting their stares linger upon Abigail's dress. Of course, they knew I had made it because these were pretty much the same people that come to every business meeting we have to go to, but that didn't deter them from consistently ambling up to me and congratulating and praising me for my work. Dejectedly Abigail found the whole predicament rather "creepy" and "wish they'd cease staring".

With this business meeting devoid of Jason and anyone who wouldn't hinder the retention of my sanity, I sat down next to Abigail and Felix whilst Mother and Father made their way to the podium at the top of the room onto the stage. Felix shuffled in his seat, glancing down at his Rolex watch and then adjusting it on his wrist. Left with no other outcome than to watch our parents, he heaved a sigh and glanced up at them, awaiting the speech we always end up hearing.

"We're both glad you could all make it to the business meeting tonight," began Mother, a cheery, rather devilish smile upon her rose-tainted lips. "In fact, we're all glad. We have some very exciting and important news to discuss with everyone and would like to hear any input you may have."

"Hear, hear!" someone called out from the crowd near the back of the room.

Most of the adults more so on the elderly side erupted in laughter. Felix, Abigail and I all upheld our silence and glimpsed at one another sideways. The waiters and waitresses looked quite lost as they stood at the sides of the room, circling the perimeter unless they were beckoned forwards to serve.

"The pier will be finished and ready for retail and business by the beginning of summer, just in time for tourists!" cheered Father, raising his glass of champagne high into the air. "The only problem is that the higher members of the hierarchy in the council want it to be for both parts of the town – The District included which may result in some tourists be driven away by their insolent demeanour or-"

"For The Valley and tourists only!" another bellowed out from the crowd.

Somehow, I felt suddenly livid.

This pier had been mantled to improve the economy and to bring more tourists to our little town of Greensville, which wasn't particularly huge and nor did it hold any historical sights of interest and such, but there were so many other good points about it. For example, the hilltop in The District that indulges you to the entirety view of Greensville and it's categorically spectacular. And the Marble Gardens in The Valley. People pride themselves over their flowerbeds. Why should we just take all of the glory?

A part of me felt like I should speak up and voice my opinions, but another part of me was demanding for my silence and to let everyone get on with it until the end of the business meeting. These were hardly meetings anyway, and more of a chance to let loose and let your hair down and to let alcohol influence your decision, which was unjust. Ergo, the disproportionate half of me was the speaking up part because it was suddenly intensifying in size.

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