|Chapter 29: Betrayal and Judgement|

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The heat radiating off Jason in the morning was what woke me up, more than his presence alarmingly close to me.

He had been stripped of his top and had favoured to wear sweats throughout the night rather than his jeans. Even for me, he'd given me a random top to wear. Our other clothes laid abandoned at the end of the bed which were presumably on the floor by now.

Jason's arm was slung around my waist lazily as his heavy breathing was hitting my neck, almost making the hairs stand up and cause a shiver to roll up my spine. I stretched out my body slightly, hitting my foot against Jason's rather roughly which caused his to stir and groan, "I've never had a girl hit my foot to wake me up before," in quite a slurry morning voice which actually surpassed my expectations of being rather attractive.

"It was an accident," I replied, stifling a yawn.

At one point in the night, we had evidently been spooning because now there was a little gap between our bodies. The gap wasn't big enough between us because it still did really depict the proximity of our bodies. There was just enough room for when Jason exhaled, his rock-hard abs would just brush against my back.

The preceding night had been somewhat surreal to comprehend. All of Jason's electrifying kisses were my intoxication, not the alcohol that had presumably perished from my body now. His touch on my body that glided up and down was fiery enough to scorch my skin. It all felt so wrong but oh so right at the same time. There was a nagging part of me that acknowledged we shouldn't be doing this, but the other part was dominating due to the euphoria of this whole situation.

Jason tightened his grip around my waist which consequentially dragged me back slightly. He groaned as his lips fell delicately onto my neck. He whispered, "Is it bad that I'm enjoying this?"

"Is this succumbing or breaking the bad boy tradition?" I asked.

"I'd have to go with breaking." His voice was still rather slurry.

"Then no," I offered, "it's not bad."

"It'll be bad in a minute if you don't turn around and kiss me."

Turning around with a smile on my lips, I leaned in and kissed Jason slowly. Our mouths opened but there was no tongue. Aware of the fact that if we were to continue we'd know where we'd end up, I ended up pulling back. Jason's eyes fluttered open, only a few specks of sleep secreted in his eyes. I rubbed my own as we closed our eyes again for a few more minutes.

Ever since Jason and I first met and he had divulged the secret that he smoked and liked to have beers, I always thought kissing him would repulse me due to the taste of those two substances morphing together. Then after the first time we kissed, due to the command by Jackson, it seemed different. There was still a hint of smoke in his mouth, but it was rather liberating to kiss someone like that. Then after last night, with both of our breaths tainted with alcohol and his only subtly with smoke in addition, it all seemed too much. I had my doubts and reservations about going to that wretched party last night that Lizzie had pleaded with me to go with her, but all in all, I was rather fortunate to have been enabled to go because none of this would have occurred.

Jason was in love with the peril and getting all the girls whenever he wanted, and his hobbies which were drinking, smoking and car maintenance. Whilst I possessed the high-end life, it wasn't something I would ever willingly accept knowing what comes as the responsibilities and repercussions of the lifestyle. If anything, perhaps minus the peril and make some amendments to Jason's life, then I would pick that. It would categorically beat Mother raging on at me for my posture being inadequate or my grades slipping or not working enough on my designs.

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