|Chapter 12: The Preparation|

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Miles was on my case as soon as I got to school.

And to make matters worse, today was Thursday: the day of the money exchange and hopefully getting Jackson out of our lives for good. Well, mine mainly. Jason would always have perilous business with Jackson considering they reside in the same division of Greensville.

"Isabella!" Miles hollered.

This morning I had to drive Abigail in because her friend had called in ill – her friend who is accountable for the carpool. But that delayed my agenda and consequentially sent me into rather bad temper. Sensing the palpable tension in my own car, Abigail kept to her phone and her lips remained shut.

And what better to add to my bad temper than to associate myself with feral residents in Downtown District later tonight when it would come to the switch over of money. No amount of escalated preparation could equip myself for what lies ahead tonight. Let's hope Jason was used to this sort of thing. My chest deflated. I hoped he wasn't used to it already because that would further authenticate the bad boy demeanour he possessed. Candidly, it gave me chills.

"I'll see you later," I muttered, slamming my door shut.

Today, Mother had opted for me to wear a summer dress considering the weather was already beginning to turn nice. Infrequently she's been known to lay outfits on mine, Abigail and Felix's beds for us to wear. And if we shunned them and put together our own attire, she'd go ballistic and ground us. But with Felix, he always managed to get away with it and never wore what Mother put out. We always deemed it because he was her only son and first child.

But Abigail was wearing one of Mother's concoctions today which was also a dress. But it wasn't anything tight. Both of our dresses had floral patterns and flowed outwards when it passed our waists. It stayed within clothing regulations about it being just above the knee too. Our school was high on clothing limitations like short skirts and crop tops. Therefore, nothing exposing and sensual that could divert fellow students' attention could be worn. Henceforth, I added tights to my attire.

"Bye," replied Abigail, tightening her denim jacket around her body. Mother decided a little diversity between us this morning so I was lumbered with a leather jacket.

It was just when I was about to enter the school when Miles bellowed consistently for my attention. "Isabella!"

Groaning under my breath, I turned round and watched his jog effortlessly up to me without breaking a sweat or getting out of breath – even if it was just across the parking lot. On the other hand, I knew I'd be out of breath. Miles was always the fitter one between us. Anyone could have perceived that.

"Miles, please don't do this," I breathed, turning around and strutting into the corridors.

Many people littered the corridors as I ambled to my own locker. Miles trailed behind me before segregating a crowd of girls down the middle. Then he made it up to my side and together we were parting the crowds. We even passed Abigail who was watching avidly, having recognised Miles instantly from the numerous meals out and spending the day at our house.

"So his name is Jason?" Miles began. "Jason McCann by any chance?"

"How did you know that?"

"He works at McCann Motors. I got some people to do some research for me. He's bad news, Isabella. You shouldn't be associating yourself with people like him. Is that why you ended it between us? Because he was involved," he suggested.

We arrived at my locker and I sighed as I inputted the combination. "No, Miles. I didn't end it with you because of him. I've known Jason a week and he's not so bad once you get to know him, alright? We just got into a spot of trouble. It was accidental, but it ends tonight, alright? I probably won't be seeing him ever again after tonight." I opened my locker door and began exchanging my books.

"What's happening tonight?" Miles queried, leaning on the adjacent lockers.

His head was slightly to the side, displaying his defined jaw line and light stubble arising on it. When I thought about him too much, his appearance could make me weak. But when my musings morphed into what our relationship was like, it changed my judgments on him. He was a good boyfriend for the most part, but we were too different to make it work.

Miles was conflicted between desiring an academic future or an athletic future. Mine was ordained, and I would be a fashion designer. Miles had a very tight family, whilst mine depicted the cracks for casual scrutiny from others. But once the foundation was to crack, everything would tumble down. Miles had acquired an argumentative trait and never neglected a prospect to commence a dispute. Needlessly, I was not one for arguments and always wanted to keep them behind closed doors which essentially mounted the pressure between us.

Our troubles were masquerading as some perfect relationship to swank enviously to everyone else and have them crave some deluded relationship. Everything was flawed and it also escalated in the end. Miles wanted sex. I found myself feeling pressured and he wouldn't listen. My only solution was to end it all.

Glimpsing left and right to authenticate that no one was indiscreetly eavesdropping, I said, "We owed someone money from The District and we're paying it all tonight. We managed to obtain the money through racing. Jason did most of the work and I only did a few races. But then we're out of trouble and I don't need to go back."

"Lizzie deserves to know considering she's your best friend."

"And I'll tell her tomorrow."

"Isabella, I was wondering if you'd brought your portfolio into school today," someone said behind me.

Turning around, Mrs Philip was tentatively standing beside me. Her eyes flickered from Miles to me as she clasped her hands together in front of her chest. Miles sensed his own departure because he said to me, "I'll catch up with you later, alright? I'm just checking your safety," he whispered, striding past me, "I still care about you." Granted, his whispers provoked my newly-jellified knees to buckle, but he had no authority over me.

"Mrs Philip," I breathed, picturing my portfolio leaning against my bed vividly. "It's at home."

Mrs Philip nodded glumly with her pale hair falling out of the careless bun. She had a few extra pounds of fat, but she still seemed somewhat thin – or that's how Mother described her, anyway once at a parent's evening for Textiles. She was quite insolent as soon as we made it outside the room. "I bet she doesn't even know what she's talking about, the old woman," Mother insulted.

Granted, she was a little old, but she did know what she was babbling on about half of the time. Mother just found parents evening a way to squander away time because she expected honesty from her children and for us to tell her our progress. Evidently, this was not the case because Felix was a troublesome student when he was in school and not once did he ever notify our parents of his shenanigans and mischief.

"I'll get it at lunch time, miss, I promise," I informed.

Mrs Philip nodded. "Thank you, Isabella."

And at lunch time, that's just what I did. I had to drive all the way home and collect my portfolio to transport it back to school and hand it into Mrs Philip. Not only did I end up missing time to spend with Lizzie, it also resulted in managing to avoid Miles throughout the majority of the day. The guilt of not enlightening Lizzie of Jason and everything in the last week diminished, but then school ended.

Awaiting Abigail in the car, I was also awaiting on a text from Jason. Finally, my phone vibrated in the cup holder whilst Abigail fell into the passenger seat next to me. My throat constricted a little as I read the text. "Is something wrong?" asked Abigail.

Jason: Meet me at my house at seven tonight. I'll take you to the location

"Yeah," I breathed, "everything's fine."

Author's Note:

Miles has done his research, huh?? Any ideas who he might be working with or what - if he is - planning to do? And stay tuned for the drama approaching!!! :)))))

Thank you :) x

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