|Chapter 20: Together|

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The rapidity of the subsequent events didn't seem to deter me or reverberate with me until I was hauled into the car.

Alex and I were just chattering away, gossiping about whatever caught our fancy with no preferable topic. I was leaning over the hood of the car, surveying the work I had just done whilst Alex was strutting away to the office to our new mini fridge which was secreted under the desk. He went to get us a Coke each – as rules forbade us to consume alcohol on the job. And that's when it happened.

Considering we keep the shutter open to our garage whilst we're working, a group of guys all dressed in black just darted on in. Some hung back to patrol the vicinity and keep an eye out outside just to make sure there would be no disturbances. The bulk of the group of guys came rushing to me.

"What are you doing?" I hollered as they began man-handling me. "Alex!" I shouted. The door had closed behind him in the office so I repeated the holler at a higher pitch. "ALEX!"

The door slammed against the panel of the office as Alex came dashing out. "Get off him!" he bellowed, throwing himself at the guys.

"Get Isabella, Alex!"

Whether it was a blessing or curse that I wasn't holding a wrench or something in my hands when the guys came, I didn't know. But something I did know: I would have praised Jesus to have being holding a wrench right now that I could smash down on these guy's heads. My hands were occupied being held out to the sides. They were too overpowering and dominating my moves.

"Get Isabella!" I yelled again.

Being thrust to the floor, I endeavoured to hastily scramble up on my feet again but instead, my hands were tied behind my back. Someone got a hold of the rope around my wrists and yanked me back up backwards. A bag was thrown over my head and I was being hauled outside of McCann Motors. The next thing I knew, I was being rammed into the back of a car.

"Jason!" Alex roared one last time, running round to the car.

The doors banged shut and the car roared to the life. With too many revs, the tyres screeched against the tarmac and the car sped off, forcing us back in our seats. I scrambled to a better position that didn't cause so much agony. In the end, I was cramped against the car door with my hands and arms before my back.

After what could have been approximately twenty minutes, we were slowing down until we came to an abrupt halt. I was dragged out of the car and into whatever building this was. It was hard to decipher when a bag was thrown over my head, blocking any view. The sun's rays were able to penetrate the holes in the bag, but not enough for me to perceive where we were. Then it went dark as we entered the building.

Slammed down to a chair, it was the waiting game now. The bag was taken off my head and my hands were tied to the arms of the chair rather than behind my back. My legs had the same suffering treatment when all the guys who had abducted me were at each side of the dark room. It was huge and just one single room but it was so vacant and devoid of junk or valued assets.

A punch was thrown at my face before I could speculate my surroundings anymore. My head tilted back and I groaned. "Why did you take me?" I rasped out.

The inexplicable guy in front of me bent down to eye-level and said, "We have our orders."

"Jackson," I assumed.

"What do you think?"

Time passed by slowly with the rumbling of my stomach sporadically and not only desire but desperation for water to quench my thirst and calm my nerves. Someone did manage to bring me some in the end but it wasn't enough. There was no time to gulp it all down before I was left without it once again. With the occasional punch here or there, my nerves were on edge and awaiting Jackson, Isabella and Alex. And right now seemed like the perfect chance for a smoke and have the intoxicating fumes calm me.

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