|Chapter 22: The Bad Boy's Heart|

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"I was wondering when you'd arrive," said Jason, leaning nonchalantly against the door frame. He had a fag in his hand and he was exhaling profoundly.

"I had to be strategic about this," I replied. "Am I coming in or not then?"

"Would you like a drink?"

Thinking about it now, my throat was beginning to become dry and scratchy again. I obliged and followed Jason into his home. Closing the door behind me, Jason had already marched into the kitchen by the time I caught up to him and was filling a glass of water from the tap. Then he handed it to me.

"Alex is upstairs so please be quiet," he announced, keeping his voice low and gruff.

Without replying volubly, I drank the water, keeping my eyes on him the entire time which was just what Jason did back to me. Each drag he took of the cigarette, it didn't matter because his eyes were fixated on my own. Then I stepped forward, breaking the eye contact and placing the glass delicately in the sink as if it was some antique from a China shop. But in reality, it was actually stained and marked with some unidentified substance that I don't quite think I wanted to find out that rather repulsive piece of information.

"Now, would you like the toilet?"

"Are you going to follow me up there?"

"Would you be worried if I just walked on in whilst you were peeing?"

"A little," I said, shifting my weight from foot to foot to indirectly depict my discomfort about this conversation topic.

"Then I'll wait here then."

Hastening my pace as I went to the toilet, I quickly did my business before flushing the chain and washing my hands. By the time I made it downstairs again, Jason was waiting by the front door, devoid of any cigarette. It was only when I walked up to him was the stench of smoke so immense did I cough a little. He took the indication and sprayed some cologne that was on a little table in the lounge over him.

"Is that better, your majesty?" he mocked.

"Let's go," I grumbled.

Jason closed the door after me and locked it. We got in his car and then without asking or saying anything, he just sped off down the road without any signals going on his car. Already aware of Jason's driving "expertise" I kept back in my seat and my hand clasped in my lap. Occasionally my foot would hit the bottom of the car when I personally would slow down but Jason had a diverse approach to which was accelerating even more.

Finally after about ten minutes we were going up a hill with several trees freckled around us. It was a dirt road we were currently on but then we came to the clearing and the dirt road flattened out and the trees were only sporadic as foliage now. We were sat in the middle of two which had a rather large distance between them. Jason stopped the car, and turned the ignition off. We both took our seat-belts off.

What we were facing was the entire town of Greensville – Marble Valley and Downtown District. You could faintly see some of the intricacies of the manors and mansions in The Valley. If you were really intent, you could even see my grand mansion. Then you could see the segregation between the two parts and the distinct diversity. The Valley was full of large houses with green grass and beautiful flowers and sophisticated, modern buildings. The District, on the other hand, was tarnished with rubbish floating in the road and houses being small and more like flats; the grass wasn't emerald green like in The Valley but a rather dull russet colour. You could see where the black markets were and the difference between the retail areas.

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