(A/N: I find satisfaction in kicking a guy in the nuts, plus its damn hilarious 😂💀)

The girl who threw the ball grins as she turned and gives a high-fives to the people behind her. The game continued for about ten minutes, Samantha was the third to last person to get out. She made her way over to me, taking a seat next to me.

"Hey girl!"

I grin, "Hey Sam." I respond back.

She flicks her hair over her shoulder before pulling it back into a loose ponytail, sweat dripping down the sides of her face.

"How come you weren't in school yesterday?" she asks, turning toward me a bit.

"An accident at home," I say, sticking my ankle out for viewing, my eyes locked on the game.

Two girls and two guys were left, one of the boys was Xavier. He wore a cut sleeved gray shirt with blue shorts, I watch the muscles in his arms bulge with effort as he throws the ball. I let my eyes travel along his face, watching his jaw clench in concentration and his eyes narrow; focused on the game.


I jerk, whirling my head around, staring at a smug looking Samantha.

She leans back, her arms crossing. "What were you doing?" she asks, a grin plastered on her face.

"Nothing," I say quickly, my cheeks flushing a deep red.

Her eyes flickering over to someone in the court then back at me, "You were checking out Xavier weren't you?"

I shake my head, "No. I wasn't."

She laughs her grin widening. "You wereeee!" she teases, poking my shoulder.

I feel my face heat up more while I turn away from her, knowing I was caught. It's not like I'm interested in him.

~ • ~

"Nice work today everyone." Coach Rex says.

Everyone begins to pack up, some going into the locker room to change back onto their clothes. I continue to sit and examine my ankle, hoping for it gets better already.

"Hey Abby, I'll like for you to meet a friend of mine."

I gaze up and lock eyes from the girl at the starting of the game, she frowns at me and I tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"She smells exactly like a—" she was cut off when Sam elbowed her in the gut.

She shoots the girl a glare and all she does is roll her eyes and pushes her hair back from her face.

"Sorry, My name is Riley Fox." she introduces, holding her hand out.

I reach my own and shake hers, "Abigail Simpson."

She nods, her brown eyes twinkling, soon after the bell rings throughout the gymnasium and she let go of my hand.

"Wish I could stay here and talk but I need to get to class. Lunch, maybe?"

I nod in agreement watching her smile and turn on her heel, blending in with the students that glow out the gym.

"She seems nice." I say to Samantha.

She chuckles a bit, "She really is. Need help?"

I smile shyly and she grabs ahold of my hand and carefully pulls me up, steadying me a bit.

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