The Locker Room: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Picture of Cover

Start from the beginning

"What's the real reason, Kane?" I asked. I knew he was holding back, all thanks to the recorder again.

"You wouldn't understand," said Kane.

He was right. No matter how much I spent on trying to understand, a brother and sister, love I would never completely understand it. I didn't have an older brother, hell I didn't even have a younger brother. I really hated being the only child sometimes.

"You're right, Kane. But sometimes when you talk it out loud, it helps you clear some things," I said. God, now I sounded like a therapist. But lately I've kind of been acting like one, especially helping Kane and Jenny with their sibling problems.

"You should be getting home," said Kane. I sighed. "You're still in your PJ's by the way." Kane smirked.

And then I blushed. In all the hurry of rushing over to Jenny's house, I had completely forgotten that we were just at a sleepover and we were still in our PJ's. Not to mention that I didn't know anyone here and my first impression was me wearing an over sized t-shirt with fuzzy leopard print pants. I was completely embarrassed, and I didn't know what to say to that. I had gone to a party in my PJ's.

"It's a new fashion trend," I said.

"Right...because you know everyone is doing it," said Kane.

"Five people are," I said. Kane chuckled.

"If that's who you call everyone," said Kane.

I needed someone to save me from this embarrassment, but it was just us two in the kitchen. The last time I saw my friends they were in the living room. They probably already escaped back into my car, or maybe they went up to Jenny's room and decided to grab some of her clothes and put them on. Oh, how I hated my life right now.

"You're exactly right. Anyways, I have to go. I have to get back to my house before my parents notice my car is gone," I said.

With that I turned on my heel. I took a deep breath and I took out my phone. I sent a quick text to everyone asking where they were. I needed to find them fast. So I went to the first place I thought they would be, still in the living room. I went there, and I looked around. It was hard to find anyone. Everyone was dancing, and everyone was so close I couldn't tell if they were here. For all I knew they could be in the middle of it, and I wouldn't even know.

I turned to the stairs and I took two at a time. I needed to check out Jenny's room, and if they weren't there I would just go sit in my car and hope that they would eventually show up. I wasn't lying to Kane, when I said that if my parents didn't find my car in the driveway they would ground me. Of course, it wouldn't really work out, since they were barely ever home, but I hated being yelled at.

I turned to Jenny's room, with her door closed and the lights off. No way was I going in there. There are just too many movies where the teenage girl opens a bedroom door and some couple is having sex in there. No way in hell, was I going to see that and have nightmares from it. Luckily, I got a text from Jenny.

            She was already in my car, with everyone else. I sighed, and walked back down the stairs and out the door. I doubt anyone would miss me. I started to fast walk, since my car was two blocks away. I looked up at the sky and I noticed a few stars. I kind of wish I lived in the country, because then I could look up at the night sky and just see the whole sky full of a million stars. I've always liked how the stars twinkled in the night sky. One of my life time goals was to see a shooting star and wish on it. Here I was eighteen years old, and I never saw a shooting star. I kind of seemed like a loser.

           "Audrey!" I stopped in my tracks. Who was calling my name, now? I was tired and I just wanted to go home. It has been a long night. I was already a block away from Jenny's house, and I knew it wasn't any of my friends, because it was a male's voice. I turned around slowly, and running up to me was Tyler.

            "Hey, Tyler," I said.

            "I'm surprised you are leaving so early. It was your first party, didn't like it?" asked Tyler.

            "Well, we only came for one reason to not let Kane and Jace fight. And besides I'm still in my PJ's," I said. Tyler nodded. "What are you doing out here?"

            "I'm walking home," said Tyler.

            "You live around here? I never knew that!" I said. Tyler laughed.

            "You never asked. Besides Kane's parties always gets too crowed to drive," said Tyler. I laughed.

            "I should have walked, too," I said.

            "Oh, I thought you were!" said Tyler. This time we both laughed.

            "Nah, I'm going to get my car," I said. Tyler nodded. We were both walking in silence, I had nothing else to say.

            "So why did you guys decide that you had to stop Kane and Jace from fighting?" asked Tyler.

            "Jenny didn't want her older brother getting hurt, surprisingly enough," I said.

            "So there's no other reason why you came?" asked Tyler.

            "Look Tyler, if I wanted to party I would have changed into something way looking better than PJ's," I said. Tyler looked down at what I was wearing and then he smiled.

            "Well, I think Jenny looks sexy in her PJ's," said Tyler. I laughed.

            "I'll tell her what you think," I said. Then Tyler stopped.

            "Here's my house. Bye, Audrey," said Tyler.

            "Bye, Tyler," I said. I kept walking down the street, noticing that I saw my car about twenty feet away. I heard a voice call my name again, and I turned around to see Tyler standing in his driving looking at me.

            "Audrey, remind Jenny about me picking her up tomorrow at noon," said Tyler. "I would tell her myself, but I think I lost my phone at the party."

           "Okay! Will do, Tyler," I said. And then he went into his house, while I walked the rest of the way to my car.

            I hopped in, and started my car. There was mindless chatter about the party as I drove home. I wasn't the only one who was embarrassed that we went to a party in our PJ's. I even heard that Miley was red the whole time she was inside. I pulled up into my driveway, and turned the car off. I hopped out and walked inside my house. I plopped down on my sleeping bag, and I noticed my friends did the same.

            "I need some sleep," said Dana, while yawning.

            "Let's listen to the recorder tomorrow," said Jenny.

            Everyone agreed, so we went to sleep. I would just remind Jenny that she had a date at noon, tomorrow. That wouldn't be a problem at all. Besides I knew that if Jenny had a date she would remember it. Maybe it was a last minute thing, and Tyler just planned it at the party and wanted me to tell Jenny about it. It didn't matter to me. I needed to stay out of people's business.

            I realized that I was a hypocrite.

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