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Ok so i normally dont use swearwords except 'shit', but if its like 'superhipermegashit' it equals 'fuck', ok?
In this chapter theres only one swearword, i swear.

  Dash speedwalked accross the hallways of the school. Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom. It echoed in his mind. Almost therrrre. He rounded a corner and spotted the doors a few meters from him. He really needed to go and the teacher had let him go the moment he asked. He grinned, advantage of him being a star player on the football team. He got unlimited free passes. Although he didn't always use them for the bathroom, the teachers didn't know that.

   He grabbed the handle of the boy's bathroom and pushed open the door. He took a step in and a scuttle could be heard. Dash paused for a second before continuing and blaming it on his imagination. His ears weren't that great after so many knockdowns and punches to the head. A disadvantage to being star player.

   The jock quickly scanned the doors. One was closed. The red mark of occupied showed on the lock. That was weird. It was the middle of class and few got let out of class like he did. Besides, everything was silent. Dash shrugged. Some dude probably locked it and climbed over the door. Dash grinned, he would do that later. It was funny and he always wondered how the cleaning crew got it unlocked.

   Dash opened the door next to the locked one and, not even bothering to lock, let it slam. He lifted the lid......and stopped when something appeared in his vision. He frowned and crouched down to look at it. It was liquid, seeping from the stall next door through the one foot space from the floor to the board of wood separating the two stalls. Dash squinted, it was red and it was glowing. He scrunched his nose. And it was smelly.

   He reached out his hand. Just when his hand was about to touch the thing when he paused. A green light was reflecting off of his hand. He yerked. The red water was glowing green. Is that normal? Dash shook his head. It was probably some chemical from the cleaning ladies.

   The blond pushed open his door to give him some space. He kneeled down and peeked under the stall in the other one. He saw more red, green glowing liquid. He also saw a big bump. Not sure of what it was, Dash leaned in more and squinted.

Whoa!, he yerked back, eyes wide. The thing moved. He leaned back in. He saw... he saw.... a hand!!

He slowly stood up and backed away from the cursed bathroom stall. Wide-eyed, his head turned and searched, as if he was expecting someone to see him doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. His eyes finally rested back on the door that hid...whatever it hid. Dash shook his head. He wasn't afraid. His mind immediately searched for an explanation.

   It was just some person with a cut finger. Or it was a human-sized doll and the maids had spilled some chemicals accidentaly. Or what was that that his little sister had. She said something about losing blood and that it was natural. She said it happened to all 15-year-old girls.

   He pursed his lips. Maybe he should tell one of the teachers. He stopped and laughed. The mere thought of running to a teacher like a little crybaby and telling him about it was ridiculous. He chuckled and froze when he heard a groan comming from the stall. It's not a doll. It's not a doll!!!!

   Dash took a step forward and hesitated. His curiosity won over when a more plausible explanation seeped into his simple mind. One of his buddies probably beat the crap out of one of the losers and he came here to lick his wounds. The jock grinned, accepting this as the truth. He put down the toilet lid in his bathroom stall and stepped on it. His head poked over the wood and he peeked down. The blood left his head, mirroring his thoughts of leaving the bathroom and never seeing the sight he was staring at now.

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