Ice ice, baby

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 *runs in
*shoves update into your hands
*passes out

Danny woke up but didn't open his eyes. He felt slightly tired, but it was a happy kind of tired. Like when you wake up in the morning and realise it's Saturday. You can't go back to sleep, so you just stay in bed, relishing at the fact that you have all day and can stay in bed and be lazy.

   He groaned, knowing that he didn't have all day because it wasn't Saturday. It was Friday. And he had school. One more day, he promised his tired body.

   He opened his eyes and squinted against the morning sun. It was a week since he was first put in the Ghost Heater. He had to stay there until he got his new powers under control. He had only been allowed to get out last Friday so he could try out his powers outside the machine and be able to go to school on Tuesday (his mom made him stay home another day after he sneezed and froze the whole kitchen). It had been a lot of fun but also very tiring. Especially when practicing using the frost. Tucker and him had established that Danny's ice powers are split in two. The ice and the frost.

   The half ghost sat up and brushed the frost off of himself. His mom had only recently let him sleep in his room due to the fact that when he slept his powers went out of control. At least in the Ghost Heater they were slightly contained. However, now that he was in his room, which was also his lair and strengthened his ghost form, his powers went awol. He glanced up and groaned when his fears were confirmed. His room was completely covered in frost. It had spread from his bed and it formed a thin layer over everything in its path. He winced at the scolding he would get. Especially since this was frost. He knew how to absorb the ice, but got nowhere when it came to frost.

   He got up and shook the frost off his clothes lying on the chair, then put them on. He went into the bathroom to splash his face but turned around immediately after crossing the door. He remembered yesterday, when he could barely move his face because the water had turned into ice. Jazz had come in and wouldn't stop laughing. It took him a while to concentrate enough to absorb it.

   He grabbed his backpack and ran downstairs, hoping that the sun would melt the ice before his mom went in. Everything would still be wet but there's nothing he could do about that.

   He greeted Jazz and plopped down on his seat.

Jazz looked at him while he snatched some cereal and poured his milk in it, careful not to actually touch the liquid. "So how did you sleep?"

The halfa knew what she meant, "Good." He looked at her pointedly, "Really good"

Jazz's eyes widened but before she could say anything a yell was heard from upstairs, "Danny!!!"

Danny yerked at the sound of his mother's voice and his cereal froze over. He snatched his backpack and raced out of the house without eating, "Bye! Gotta go!"

And before Maddie came downstairs, he was already halfway to school, leaving a frozen bowl of cereal behind.


His friends shivered the moment Danny arrived.

Tucker scooted a bit away from him, "Are you sure you're ok? It feels like the North Pole next to you"

Danny rolled his eyes, "Hey! You chose me as your best friend. Deal with it."

Tucker grinned and bumped his shoulder with Danny's "Nah. I'm ok" he checked to see that his shoulder wasn't frozen.

Danny chuckled and Sam spoke up, "I like it. It's super warm now, but at least we get our own refrigerator", Sam hugged him and Tucker joined her after checking that he wouldn't get frostbite.

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