Chapter Fourteen

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I wake up screaming. I sit up quickly before grabbing my leg. Wait there no pain. There is Chris comes rushing into the room.

"Wow you survived." Chris says amazed.

"Why don't I hurt anywhere?" I ask picking up the edge of my shirt, my bruises are gone.

His eyes go wide, "W-what?"

"I don't have any bruises on my body." I looking at my leg again. There is like thirty small holes in my pants, probably in my leg too.

He walks out of the room muttering no to himself. I stand up, what happen to me? How long have I been sleeping? Why aren't I dead? Those were only a few of the questions going threw my mind. 

I walk over to the window and I pop it open. I crawl out onto the edge and I swing my legs back and forth. Its day out, its quite pretty out. I'm so confused. I turn my head back around when I hear the door open. 

I go to crawl back inside but Chris quickly runs back over, "Okay lets test my theory."

He pushes me out the window laughing as he does. I fall to the ground in pain but it soon goes away. I look around confused as heck. I just got pushed out of a window and I feel fine. What the hell?

Chris, Blaine, and a couple other people I don't know run out of the house towards me.


Chris shrugs, "You're fine. Calm down."

Blaine raises his eyebrow, "Chris. What did you do? She shouldn't be fine."

"I got drunk last night and she was about to beat me at something I bet her so I may or may not have bit her." He says awkwardly scratching his arm.

Blaine turns to Chris pissed, "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER CHRIS!"

Chris sighs, "Yell at me again and I'll snap your neck."

"You bit me?" I ask looking down at my pants again.


I freak out, who said that? I look around at everyone.

I don't know why but suddenly I get angry. Not angry, furious. I hard to explain how I feel. I feel like murdering every here. Suddenly I'm in the worst pain I've ever felt.

I hear bones cracking and then I get smaller. I look around at everyone, they seem to be shocked. I go to something but it comes out as a howl.

I look down at my feet, well paws. They are white with a hint of caramel brown. I mentally grin to myself, I feel like running. So thats what I do.

"Don't let her get away!" Chris yells.

I begin running to nowhere. I don't stop even when I hear the sounds of bones cracking behind me. In under a minute I'm already far away from the house but that doesn't keep me from running. The sound of panting and thumps behind me is almost comforting. 

I jump over a car that's parked on the side of the rode and I keep on running. 

I turn around but no ones there. I stop and wait for a moment but I don't see anyone so I turn and I go to run again but I get pounced on by three wolfs.

All The LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora