Chapter Nine

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Skyler's Pov


Oh god oh oh god. This is all my fault.

I bang my head on the wall hopping our neighbors would come and untie me. 

I hear the front door open so I start banging around hopping they will find me quickly. I need to get Lily back before something happens to her. I remember what happen to me when I was with him and it wasn't pleasant. I was sixteen and a wolf, Lily is only thirteen and human!

I bang around until Draven and Louie come into the bathroom. Draven runs over and unties me and takes the gag out.

"We need to find Lily!" I say running out of the bathroom.

Louie grabs my arm, "Skyler calm down. We're gonna get her back."

I take a deep breath, "We have to do something now! Before they get far."

Draven sighs, "Skyler, Chris and Lily boarded a plan thirty minutes ago. We tried stopping them but we were out of town. As soon as Lily called us we raced home but we we're too late."

"Where are they going?!" My heart begins pounding and I can't breath.

Louie pipes up, "Chris is taking Lily to Ireland."


"Well you couldd...." 

I cut him off before Louie can even say it, "No I'm not asking him for help."

Draven sighs, "Well if you won't I will. I won't let Chris hurt Lily."

I can't breath. Oh god Lily must be so scared. Everything starts to spin. I can't breath.

I fall to the ground and I pass out.


Some time Later


I wake up when I get bounced up in the air. I groan and I sit up, "Draven! Where are we?!"

He looks back at me from the front of his car, "Your not gonna like it buttt we're going to see your heartbroken mate."

"Draven! What's wrong with you!? I said I didn't want to ask Kale for help!" I say grabbing my chest. Just saying his name is making my mind go crazy.

"To bad. We're going anyways." He says taking a turn into the forest.

I lean up and I look out the window, I know that smell. Oh how I've missed that smell. We're close.

When I see Kale's house. I groan loudly, we're really close. He stops the car and we climb out. My head hurts and so does my heart. Its been almost eight years since I left Kale.

Draven and me walk up to the door. I take a step forward and I knock. I'm shaking so hard that its not funny.

A girl about my age with bleach blonde hair to her lower shoulders and almost sky blue eyes answers the door, "Uh hello?"

She has one of those annoying voices.

I go to say something but Draven cuts in, "Is uh Kale here?"

She shakes her head, "He's out hunting but she needs to get off of his property before he gets back. Mutts aren't allowed in pack territory."

I go to say something but I hear my name from behind me so I turn around. Kale is standing about two feet away from me without a shirt but he's wearing pants.

"Kale." I mange to say.

He runs over and hugs me roughly. He swings me around before setting me on the ground, "Your alright. Skyler I missed you so much. Its been so long!"

I sigh, "I know. I know but this isn't a personal visit. Chris isn't dead. He kidnapped Lily today."

"Yesterday." Draven says correcting me.

"Whatever. We need your help Kale." I say taking a deep breath, "I remember what Chris did to me and I don't want that happening to Lily."

"Anything." Kale says shrugging.

"I need to get to Ireland." I say looking back at the girl who seems to be really annoyed that I'm talking to Kale.

"I'm going wit you then."

Almost thirty minutes later Kale, me, Draven, and the blonde girl are on a plane heading towards Ireland.

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