Chapter Twelve

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I wake up hearing people whispering. I groan and I sit up, "Secrets don't make friends."

Chris sighs, "Good you're finally awake. You've been sleeping for like three days."

I shrug and I look around. I'm sitting on an old dirty mattress on a old wire bed in a dusty looking room. The floor boards have dust on them and the walls have old wallpaper, its starting to fall down. Chris is near the door next to the guy with the moon tattoo and there's a window near the bed.

"You humans are pathetic. You can't even handle a little bit of pain." Chris says shaking his head.

I throw my hands up, "Sorry I happen to be a human and not a werewolf."

"Wolf. Werewolf's only shift when there's a full moon out. I can shift whenever I want." 

"Mhm cool. Tattoo guy whats your name?"

The guy with the tattoo seems taken back by that, "Uh Blaine.."

"Cool cool." I say moving my head away and looking towards the window.

"Don't even think of jumping. You'll definitely break your legs." Chris laughs.

I hear footsteps, then the door closes, and finally I hear a click. I turn around and I sigh, they're gone.

I stand up from the bed and I walk over to the window. I pull it open and I look out. Yup I would definitely break something, I might even die if I jump. I climb up on the ledge and I sit down. Ireland is quite beautiful. I hate that I had to see it under these circumstances but I guess its better then never seeing it. Its night time and it smells like rain.

I hear a click and then the door opens, Blaine is standing there holding a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Thinking of jumping?" Blaine asks setting the plate on the bed.

"I'm thinking about jumping but I'm not going too." I shrug.

Blaine shakes his head, "Whoa deja vu."

I turn back to him raising my eyebrow, "Why did you get deja vu?"

He laughs, "Skyler said the exact same thing to me."

I nod, "We're you guys close?"

He shakes his head, "Nah but I knew her almost eleven years now, she's only known of me for nine."

"That's creepy." I say climbing back into the room.

He laughs, "She use to jump onto our land which was a death wish but she somehow always made it back onto mutt land. She was known as Jet. I was tasked with catching her but I never had. The only person thats ever caught her is Kale, her mate."

I sigh, "She's never told me anything."

Blaine shrugs, "Probably because we have to kill any human that knows about us."

"I'm human." I say sitting down on the bed.

"I know." He says weakly before walking out of the room, locking the door behind him. 

I grab the plate and I set it on the ground. I don't trust anymore thanks to Chris. 

I yawn, I'm still pretty tired. After five minutes of staring at the wall I decide that I should try to nap so I lie my head down on the mattress that smells oddly like buffalo sauce and I fall asleep.

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