Chapter One

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"Lillllyy! Dinners readyyy!" My mom calls from the living room/ kitchen. I think one of the greatest things about this apartment complex is the walls are really thick. You can't hear your neighbors and they can't hear you.

I set my phone down on my nightstand and I make my way into the kitchen/ living room.

My mom is setting taco fixings on the table. 

I smile, I love tacos. She smiles and hands me a plate with a bunch of taco shells, "How was school today?"

"Great mom, it was great." I say sitting down.

My mom grins and begins shoving taco fixings in her taco. 

I mentally sigh, she thinks I don't notice but I do. She's never happy, like ever. I'm like some burden to her. I try shaking the thoughts out of my mind but it doesn't work. Aren't adopted kids suppose to be wanted by the person who adopted them? Skyler isn't doing a good job.

"What are you thinking about?" My mom asks making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Hm? Nothing really, just contemplating life." I say before setting my taco down.

"Lily you're thirteen. You don't need to contemplate anything for awhile." She says shaking her head.

I shrug standing up grabbing my plate, "I guess."

I walk over and I set my plate in the sink, I'll do dishes later. She stands up and copies me.

She points to the tv, "Wanna watch some telly?"

I shake my head, "Nah I'm really tired. I'm gonna go to sleep."

Just as my mom goes to say something someone knocks on the front door. She walks over and pulls it open.

My uncles Louie and Draven walk in without even asking.

"Hey guys." I wave. I think Louie and Draven are the only people besides me that mom socializes with. It's quite sad.

Draven walks over and basically bear hugs me and swings me around, "Great to see you Lily bear."

He releases me and Louie waves, "Hey flower."

I go to walk away, "Bye guys."

They both wave me goodbye as I walk into my room. They are two of the best uncles in the world.

As soon as I shut the door they get all quite and secretive like always. I sigh and I grab a baggy purple shirt with a rainbow unicorn kitty on it and black cotton short shorts before throwing them on.

I step in front of my mirror and I sigh again. Last year I went from the blonde popular girl to the girl with thin shoulder length choppy blue hair and snake bites. I don't really know what happened but one day I woke up and I wanted to change.

I raise my eyebrow, whatever my mom and uncles are talking about its heated. 

I walk over and I place my ear on the door. I can't really hear anything so I groan loudly and I make my way back to my bed. I lie down and I get under my covers. I reach over to grab my phone but its not there. I shake my head, who cares about it. There's no school tomorrow anyway.

I fall asleep some time later.

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