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(___)= Name


I saw Mark and Amy talking to one another. Since I was comfortable with them, I decided that's who I would ask.

"I still wander who caused me to loose m-"

I interrupted Mark, giving an apologetic expression. "Sorry to interrupt. Have you guys seen Ethan? I've been looking everywhere for him."

Amy looked to the ceiling as she thought. "I think I saw him go that way."

I looked to the long hallway that Amy pointed to. "Thanks Amy. Sorry again."

I walked away from the two and down the hallway. After walking further down, I started to hear voices, one I recognized as Ethan's. I picked up my pace and turned a corner, sliding to a stop with a sharp breathe. Marzia had Ethan pinned to a wall, her lips hungrily kissing his.

"Ethan!" I let out, the boy's eyes widening at my voice.

He shoved as hard as he could, Marzia stumbling backwards. "(___), it's not what it looks like! Sh-"

I yelled, throwing my arms up out of frustration. "What is wrong with you?!"

Ethan peaked his eyebrows, his mouth gaping open. "Marzia said she had-"

"How could you do this to me?" I demanded, trying to hold back tears.

Don't cry. I kept telling myself. It was hard not due, but crying over something so...stupid was pointless.

"(___)," Ethan stuttered, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. Just l-"

"What? Listen? It's not like you'll listen to me at this point, seeing that you'd rather make out with Miss PastaPants over here!" PastaPants? Really? That's the best I could come up with?

Before I burst into tears, I ran forward and tackled Marzia to the ground. She screamed, the wind getting knocked out of her as she hit the floor.

"I can't believe-" I punched her in the face, her head jerking to the side. "I was stupid enough to believe you!"

Marzia pulled my hair then shoved me off her. She stood up quickly and kicked my side. Twisting my body, I connected my foot to her knee, Marzia falling once again.

Ethan stared wide eyed, unsure what to do. He looked to Marzia, then to me, then back to Marzia. Using all his force, Ethan shoved Marzia off me.

I took the moment to regain my breath, rubbing my side. Marzia jumped back onto me, clawing at me like a cat. Her nail scratched my chin, the horrible burning feeling from skin being ripped off starting.

I lifted my leg and kicked Marzia in the throat. She gasped for air, me using this opportunity to kick her once again. With all my force, I kicked Marzia's nose. She fell to the floor, unconscious.

Taking deep breaths, I wiped my chin, blood covering my hand. I looked to Ethan, who was staring at me with a horrified expression. Before he could say anything, I walked away, leaving him with Marzia.


Ew. Do you smell that? Smells like drama, doesn't it? Man, that's the worst.

So yeah, shit went down. What will happen next???? Well...I can't tell you whoops

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