The Academy

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A/N hey guys! For this fanfic, I'm going to make Robin/Dick the same age as Artemis. There also might be some time skips. Nothing major; and ill let you know when they occur! Enjoy the chapter! -stardancer

(Five years later. Artemis is now 13 almost 14)

      School was the only place that Artemis despised almost more than home. At least school allowed a break from her soul corrupted father. Thirteen year old Artemis was in eighth grade now, and for the time being, attended Gotham Academy. Just that year, Artemis's mother had scraped enough money together (with a scholarship) for both her daughter's to attend Gotham's finest education facility. Artemis and Jade were both reluctant to attend at first, but their mother had a way with words. Jade was now 16 and able to drive legally. This allowed Jade and Artemis to train every day after school without Mrs. Crock knowing. Just hang on until after school Artemis would think. This usually ran through her head from 1:00-2:00; Math class. Where numbers, formulas, and all that junk was used only to help Billy find the area of his mayonnaise jar. Today is the day that summer break ends, and school starts. Artemis thought. She walked down the hall with her head down. Heading to locker 138, someone bumped into her from behind.
"Watch where your going, klutz. Wouldn't want to get suspended, now would we, scholarship." The brunette taunted. 'Scholarship, scholarship, scholarship. The insult echoed through her brain and stung like a poisoned arrow. Rembering what her mother had told her earlier, Artemis said nothing in return. Instead, she pushed past the girl and continued to her locker, her eyes trained to the floor. When she finally looked up, it was unfortunately to late to prevent the collision that occurred.
"Ohmygosh I'm so sorry" exclaimed the person she had bumped into.
"It's ok, it's fine, it was my fault" Artemis spluttered, surprised that the boy would offer an apology. After helping Artemis pick up her books, the Raven-haired boy introduced himself.
"I'm Richard Grayson- Wayne." He stuck out his hand.
"I'm Artemis Crock" she said while shaking his hand. "Wait, Grayson Wayne? Wayne as in Wayne Industries and Bruce Wayne?"
"Yep." He replied. "But you can call me Dick, Richard, or Grayson. My friends call me all three."
"You can call me, Art, or 'mis" Artemis grinned.
"Totally whelmed to make your acquaintance." Dick grinned back. "Hey, can I see your schedule?" He asked as he pulled out his own. Artemis pulled the folded piece of paper out of her skirt pocket and handed it to her newfound friend. "Cool" he said to her "We have most of our classes together!" Just then, the bell rang and the two friends headed of to class side by side.

Heyo guys! Sorry if that was boring, but it needed to be done! Remember to stay whelmed and feel the aster! ~Cheshire

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