Chapter 15

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I yawned, slamming my locker door shut. I hastily pulled down my somewhat short black t-shirt that I lazily put on this morning. Good thing I paired it up with high waisted grey jeans.

Yesterday night didn't exactly give me the best slumber, but I didn't regret it. I couldn't wait to see Trystan's reaction in school today.

Karma is truly a bitch.
Tucking a loose strand of baby hair behind my ears that must've slipped away from my bun, I walked down the halls of the school, not bothering to say hi to anyone.
I was too focused in my thoughts of last nights geography homework that I failed to do, I didn't notice the bulky figure striding behind me until I felt two rough hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who it is?," a familiar voice whispered in my ear. My eyes widened in realization. I squealed as the person spun me around and captured my lips in his before I could blink.
A long and intimate kiss later, I pulled the person in a huge bear hug.

"Nick!," I smiled into his neck as he breathed in to my hair. I felt like I haven't seen my boyfriend in years, when in reality we hung out just 3 days ago.
I frowned at the thought, Nick and I used to be inseparable, and now it's as if we were distancing as days went by.
Ever since Trystan came back...

Shaking my head from the silly thoughts, Nick and I both held hands and walked to class, both smiling. I sighed, not wanting to face the wrath of our geography teacher because of my missing homework.

I looked at Nick and noticed that his smile didn't reach his eyes like they usually did.

"Babe, what's wrong?," I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

He snapped his head towards me, and smiled wider, but I could tell it was falsely plastered. "Nothing babe, just a little stressed out because of football season coming up," he said and looked away. He was avoiding eye contact.

"Oh okay," I replied, there was no reason to push the topic, as he'll tell me the truth when he wanted to.

We walked into class together, and both separated into our assigned seats, but not after him giving me a light peck on my cheeks.

'Awe's' could be hear through out the class as I blushed from the attention and skipped to my seat.

I took out our geography textbooks and a notebook and pencil from my bag, and started doodling while I waited for the teacher.
By the time Mr. Newman came into the class, half of my margins were already covered in sketches of basketballs and hoops.

"Good morning class, sorry for being a little late," he sighs as the students start to quiet down. "Please take out your textbooks and turn to page-," and then I just zoned out.
By the time lunch rolled around, I was starving. I barely ate breakfast, and couldn't even keep my eyes open for half the class.
I shoved all my shit into my lockers, and just as I turned around, someone kissed me. The taste of honey and coconuts touched my tongue as I immediately knew who it was.
Seconds later he pulled away and put his forehead against mine. We both smiled at each other as he held my hand in a firm grip and walked to the cafeteria.

It was times like this that I wanted to savor all the time. The love of my life and I just smiling at each other like we were each other's worlds. Times like this that remind me why I fell for Nick in the first place.
He was perfection. Sweet, smart, kind hearted, hot, and treated me like I was his queen. What else can I ever ask for?

But he's not a certain dirty blonde hotheaded bad boy, someone deep in my head said.

What am I saying? Trystan is the total opposite of Nick, and everything I'm not looking for!

I snapped out of my mini trance as Nick opened the door for me, I smiled and we both walked into the canteen heading towards our table.

Most would call our table 'the popular table' but honestly it's just a table full of a few friends that were outgoing. Plus a few extra sluts whose main goal is to seek attention by wearing the most minimal amount of clothing they had in their wardrobe.

We sat down at our usual seats, Nick at my left and Liz at my right.

"Wassup babe," Liz squealed at me but then continued to shove little gummy bears in her mouth. I shook my head, she always had a weird fetish for gummy bears.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at all my friends. Everyone started to engage in a conversation, while I looked down and quietly ate my fries.

I moaned at the salty taste as it filled my mouth.

"I could make you moan louder if you come by my place after school today," a hot breath whispered in my ear.
My eyes widened at the comment and snapped y head around to see who has whispered such immature things in my ear.
If possible, my eyes widened even more when I saw a tall muscular dirty blonde's back walking away from me.

I gasped. Trystan.
Doesn't he have a girlfriend! Isn't his girlfriend my best friend!

My cheeks automatically transformed into a deep scarlet, as I rolled my eyes.

Once a fuck boy, always a fuck boy. Liz deserves better, she needs to break up with him!

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Nick's deep voice filled my ears.

Should I tell him?
No, he'll just start a fight with Trystan, I don't want any more drama.

I shook my head at Nick and forced a smile, "Nothing, I was just think bout how i have Dorsey next period."

He laughed, "I feel bad for you." He then continued to talk to his other buddies.
I looked at Liz, and while her head was still facing the other way, stole a handful of her gummy bears.

The bell rang a few seconds later, as our whole table started to be pack up.

"I'll see you after school babe," Nick whispered in my ear. He pecked my lips and started walking away to his next class.

I sighed and headed the opposite way to hell.

Just a few more periods, I can handle this...

Ik Ik, I haven't updated in sooooo long, and I'm truly and sincerely sorry. I don't have an excuse this time.

So anywayssss🙃


Not. 😋😉

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