Chapter 13

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I was busted.

The talk of Trystan's cheese bombing locker prank was all around the school. And everyone knew I was behind all of it. 

So did Trystan. And now I don't even know if that's a good or bad thing.

The guys gave me high fives, congratulating me on my pranking skills, which everyone knew I had. Some girls supported me too. 

But 97% of the female population only glared at me, and did a lot to show their hatred on me for what I did to their 'king'. 

I snorted. Some king.

The bell to second period rang, as I shot out of my seat, and to the girls locker room. I sighed.

I had Trystan in this class. It would be the first time I'd see him after the incident. And something tells me P.E. isn't gonna be as fun as it usually is.

I quickly changed into our gym uniform, which our perverted teacher had made. It consisted of a tight white t-shirt that had the schools logo on it, and and pair of very very short, and I mean barely covers my ass soffe shorts. 

Yeah I know, screw gym teachers. 

After getting ready agonizingly slow, on purpose may I add, I grabbed my water bottle and entered the gym. 

I put my stuff on the bleachers and hurried to my spot. 

"Alright ladies, and gentlemen, first to start off the oh so beautiful day," my sarcastic coach smiled. "We are all going to do 80 push ups, squats, and sit-ups. Each."

We all groaned. No one liked Mr. Dorsey. 

"Chop chop everyone, who ever doesn't finish this in 20 minutes, has to sprint the rest of the class," he smirked and just sat in his chair watching us.

Everyone groaned again, and then dropped on the floor as the timer started.

After finishing my 80 push ups, and halfway through my squats, I felt someone smack my butt.  

I groaned, we all knew who this person was. Stupid Sean Ackers.

"What do you want Sean?," I blankly stared at him. I wasn't gonna waste my time and give him a reaction. 

"You got a nice ass there Marin," he smirked. Ugh, I don't know why girls even liked him. He looks like that ugly rat my mom's been hunting down in my backyard for ages.

I sighed ", Tell me something I don't know Ackers." 

"Ooh, getting a bit confident are we," his smirk never faltered. "That's what makes you hotter than all the girls here," he huskily whispered in my ear.

Cue the sigh.

"Look Sean I have less than 15 minutes left, and I'm not gonna risk sprinting 20 times just for talking to you. go toy with some other girl that actually wants your attention," I said pointing around at all the girl batting their eyelashes and squatting to show off to him.

"But none of them are you," he winked and left. Fuck you.

I continued on my exercises, and thankfully, finished with 2 minutes left.

I walked to the bleachers and gulped down my water bottle, but I felt this weird pang of something. Someone was staring at me. And as I turned around, I was right, Trystan's gaze met mine intensely.

I gulped in nervousness. To say I wasn't scared to get his revenge, was the lie of the century. I was terrified. 

Even when we were little, Trystan and I hated each other. 

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