Chapter 3

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-" I groggily reached for my alarm clock and smacked it quiet. 

When can a girl actually get some sleep around here for once?

I looked at the time, 6:00, so I had 2 hours to get ready. Perfect.

Just thinking about today filled sorrow in me all over again.

I was dreading today since yesterday. 

I mean, it's not that I didn't like school. Oh no, I loved school. All my teachers loved me, I was a straight A and B student, and all my subjects were fun and easy. I was popular, liked by almost everyone, had a loving and sweet jock boyfriend, and a ladies man whore of a brother, that was also popular, and my best friend was the cheer leading captain. I was living the dream, right?

Well, yeah I guess you could say that. But there was only one simple problem that was added today.

Trystan Shitface Woods was enrolling today. Fantabulous, isn't it? I swear, this guy was gonna be the end of me.

Sighing, I tried getting up from bed and into the bathroom, ignoring my tired state.

Big mistake. Getting tangled in my comforter, I fell off the bed. Face down might I add.

That was another thing about me. I wasn't clumsy, I barely ever fall, but when I did it was always at the most frustrating and awkward moments.

Growling, I got up from the floor and into my bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and into the warm shower, automatically drowning my tiredness.

After a few minutes of putting my favorite strawberry shampoo and body wash and attempting to be quick I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

Humming to myself, I started blow drying my hair.

"She puts her spirit in a nightcap, she always knows where the crowd's at. She puts her mouth 'round the cigarette, I put it out cause she likes that. She always dance when it's raining, hey when it's starting baby, she looks at me like she's waiting, making time go slow when they show her the table", I started singing in a terrible yet fun voice.

Finally deciding my drying was enough, I turned off the dryer and went into my room.

Dropping the towel, and making sure the curtains were closed, I went into my wardrobe.

Hmm, what am I gonna wear today?

Sighing again, I grabbed a cute outfit and put them on.

I was wearing a loose royal blue shirt tucked into black high waist shorts, and long black knee high leggings, then at the end slipping on my black combat boots. It was cute enough for a school day. Putting my hair into a loose side braid, I remembered I had basketball practice after school. 

I grabbed my black Nike duffel bag, and folded my jersey, sneakers, and socks into their. Then I remembered to take my basketball, and ran downstairs.

"Good morning mom, morning Zach", I faked a smile.

"Morning", mom chirped, at the same time Zach did, except he wasn't as happy as mom.

I grabbed my plate of pancakes dropping all my shit on the floor.

I smiled looking at the smiley face my mom made on my pancakes with chocolate chips. My mom was that awesome.

After spending like 15 minutes of eating, I realized it was time to go or I'll be late.

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