Chapter 11

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Hannah's POV-

I groaned as the sunlight hit my eyes, and I felt like ISIS was fucking bombing my head.

It hurt so bad. So bad.

Realizing it was already 2 PM, I sighed and flopped like a penguin all the way to the bathroom, bumping in to things in the process because my eyes were closed. 

I looked in the mirror, and screamed. At my own reflection.

Yeah I know, I'm pathetic.

My eyeliner was smudged, and my lipstick somehow managed to drift to my cheeks. 

I looked worse than my aunt Tilly the day she got divorced, and to say the least, she looked very crappy that day. Very.

Sighing, I yawned and started the shower. Nothing to start the day besides a warm shower, right?

I stripped out of my pajamas that counted as shorts, and a batman tank top, very mature, I would know.

I nodded in agreement as the feeling of a new day rushed in as soon as I stepped into the shower, the warm water dripping against my skin.

Well, at least now I was prepared. 15 minutes later I was wrapped in a towel, drying my hair. 

"Am I in love with you, am I in love with you, or am I in love with the feeling?," I sang along with Justin Bieber, my dream husband. But of course you know what they say, dreams never come true.

"Can you shut down that crap?," I heard someone yell from the kitchen. Zach of course. 

And because of his oh so nice comment abut my singing, (note the sarcasm), I sang even louder this time.

"Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth, sometimes the heart is deceiving!," I sand happily, as I could hear Zach's groan from downstairs.

Finished drying my hair, I went into my closet, and grabbed a loose blue crop top, and black leggings, and paired them up with retro 8s aqua, that my dad got me last year. Putting my hair into a high bun, I grabbed my bag and phone, and ran downstairs. 

I swear you could smell my mom's pancakes from a mile away. 

"Mom, can u put whipped cream on mine?," I asked as I entered the kitchen. 

"Of course," she smiled as she flipped another pancake.

"Good morning," I smiled at Zach, ruffling his hair as I sat on the stool beside him. 

"Fuck off," he groaned. Rude much?

I snorted, "Someones in a bad mood."

My mom handed me my plate of delicious food, and I didn't even wait a second before devouring everything. A girl needs her food, right?

I pushed the plate and burped at the same time. "I'm done," I smiled at an awestruck Zach, and shocked mom.

Waving, I went outside and into my car.

Time for sweet sweet school.


Parking in my usual spot, with only 10 minutes left, I got out of my baby, and walked to the front doors.

"Hey Hannah," someone said from the crowd. 

"Hey," I waved.

"Hannah, you look so pretty today," someone else said.

"Aw, thanks," I smiled. I felt like a celebrity.

After that pattern continued a few more times, I reached the huge front double doors, and strutted inside.

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