"um...I'm good! I'll just stay here for a bit."


She let go right away. Nope. She was not getting in any more trouble than she already was!

Lauren didn't even look at her once she was on the ground.

"Let's go."


"Not now, Camila."


"There's a horde of paparazzi waiting outside. Not. Now. Camila."


"Oh no, I don't want to hear you either, Dinah. Just go get your stuff, and follow us."

If she wasn't feeling so ashamed, Camila would have had to admit that Lauren looked super hot. She had trimmed her hair a bit, and re-dyed her roots black, her hair looked luscious and soft, and her makeup was on point. She had some dark lipstick on that with her crossed arms and stern face just made her look like some sort of Goddess of war. Camila hurried to go get her stuff, and pitifully waved goodbye to the guys that looked a bit stunned by what was happening.

"Go with Big Rob, Dinah."

"What about Chancho?"

"Camila's coming with me. We'll see you tomorrow."

"I think you're dead, Walz."

"Shut up, Dinah. It's all your fault!"

"WHAT? I didn't force you to come!"

"I said I wanted to go home once we got there!"

"And I said you could, just that I was still going!"

"You nagged at me until I agreed to come!"

"Maybe because I knew you wanted to go!...And I didn't force the 5-hour shot down your throat either! Just so we're clear!"

"Camila, did you really drink that?"

"See! I'm getting in trouble again because of your stupid idea!"

"Oh! So now it's stupid? That's not what you said when I asked if you wanted to come!"

"I wanted to go to Bounce House!"





Lauren's icy voice was followed by complete silence.

"I said: Dinah, go with Big Rob, Camila's coming with me. I don't want to hear another word from you."

Even Dinah lowered her face to the ground after that. She quietly followed Big Rob to the van, while Lauren walked to her rental car.

"Not the front seat. Go in the back. Bad little girls don't get to sit in the front."

Camila pitifully made her way around the car as the van was leaving. The manager had been nice enough to have them exit through the employees' parking lot in the back. The atmosphere in the car was tensed. Camila felt like she might choke on the silence surrounding them.

"Look, Lauren..."

"Oh no. You don't get to try and play the big girl now. You're in big trouble."

"But mama..."

"No baby, I don't want to hear it right now. I'm too mad. And disappointed! ...Do you have any idea how worried I was? Nobody could find you, you were not where you said you were, and you weren't answering your phone, Camila! Just reverse our role for a second here. What if you couldn't find me, huh? What if I had just disappeared, Camila! How would you feel?"

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