"Oh my god! Are you okay?"

"What was she doing here?"

"This is an ultimate dodgeball area! You have to be careful!"

Her all face was prickling with pain, her mouth was definitely hurting more than it should, and there was something warm trickling down her nose. She tried to stop herself, but Camila couldn't repress a sob. It hurt. It hurt a lot. And she didn't know anyone. And she wanted mama. Oh god, mama was going to be so mad at her!

"Hey, can you lift up your hand so we can see what it looks like? I'm Jamie, and those are my friends, we're really sorry, we didn't see you in the corner. Do you think you broke something?"

"...I don't know...it hurts."

"Let me see, I broke my nose twice, I'll check for you. Could someone go get the first aid kit?"

The guy was huge, well they all were! Which made sense once she noticed they were all wearing basketball jerseys. The guy named Jamie carefully manipulated her nose, and let out a little sigh of relief.

"Okay! Good news, it's not broken, but it's probably going to hurt for a little while! What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, too bad it had to be under those circumstances."

"I think I chipped a tooth."

"Show me? ...Yup, you did! I'm really sorry!"


Camila was still sniffling, but she was getting a grip back on herself.

"So what are you doing here on your own?"

"I couldn't follow my friend in the ninja course, and it was quiet here."

She was thankful none of the guys seem to realize who she was. Once the first aid kit was brought back to them, she was able to wipe all the blood from her chin, which made her realize her shirt was covered in droplets of blood.

"Goddamnit, not my shirt!"

"It's okay, I have a spare one if you want!"

She was a bit confused at the guy's behavior. It was nice and all, but it made her feel weirded out.

"...You know, so that people don't think someone tried to murder you or something..."

He had a point! She nodded, her nose throbbing a bit at the sudden movement, but thankfully it wasn't bleeding anymore!

"Cool! Follow me, it's in my bag! And maybe we could make it up to you!"

That's how 30 minutes later, she was in a huge basketball shirt and shrieking uncontrollably as the guys kept each lifting her up as they jumped to make her dunk in the airdunk area. She hadn't exactly expected that, but the guys kept pestering her about being sorry, so she had agreed to follow them. She had to admit that she was having a lot of fun! Dinah had even joined them afterward, and was having a fierce competition with Jamie. She was filled to the brim with energy, and was having a lot of fun!

"Wait, wait! I have an idea!! What if you guys all jump on the trampoline? That should lift me up right?"

Soon enough, they were trying out her theory, and Camila was able to grab the hoop and dunk the ball...What she hadn't thought of was that now she was sort of stuck holding onto the hoop.

"Um...Guys? Could someone come get me? Guys?"

"Let go, Camila."

The voice truly startled her. That was Lauren. Oh no. She was in big trouble, now. When she looked down she saw that Big Rob was waiting to catch her with a disapproving expression.

Let Me Help You (camren ageplay)Where stories live. Discover now