Chapter 22

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I don't own teen wolf.

I do own Sarah , tristen and Sam.

Ok author note : stiles and Sarah's ship name. Is Starah better than skittles. Well I think. You tell me.

Stiles point

Sarah hasn't been sleeping well.

She has panic attacks like once a day now. She's jumpy. In the end she's terrified. By her own night mares.

She woke up in woods twice last week with. Lydia. They have no idea how they got there.

Deaton said for Sarah. It might be effects from the drach. And stress. Then Jacob thing. Then protecting the pack. Etc. And then PTSD. Too. Which I told get.

So Friday. When school ends. I am taking her on a date. We are going to go ice skating. I know she's not good. But it will get her mind off of things. Then we are picking up food. Then to my house to watch movies. I got ride along. She's been dying to see. And then catching fire. And she's staying with me I told the pack.

I said only reason to call is if it's an emergency.

"Stiles. Hey you in there "

I looked up dad was looking at me.

" Huh ya just thinking. Why "

" I said is it okay with you of I go on a date Friday with Amy "

" Oh the horse lady. Yeah she's cool "

He smiled. " Thank you "

" Dad people been telling me things and I " I stopped how do I word this.

" What "

" They ask me why I am still with her. And I say it's cause I love her. They say I can't cause I am only 17. But personally. I couldn't think about life with out her. Ever "

" Well just ignore them. I know you care about her more than anything .every time you see. Talk to her. About her. Think about her. Me and Sam. Melissa. And amy like to call it your Sarah face. "

I could fell my face heat up.

I shook my head.

" I don't have a Sarah face "

He chuckled. " Yes you do "

"No ". "Yes". "No ". "Yes". "No "

Amy walked in. I waved.

" Hey stiles. What are you two arguing about now. " She hugged dad.

I Am happy he's happy.

" About his Sarah face. "

" I don't have a Sarah face " I said crossing my arms and pouting.

" Oh my gosh yes you do. It's in your eyes and face It's so cute. Cause she does to. Well a stiles face. But it's in her eyes. Not her face. It's her eyes and body language. "

I sat there. Looking at them.

Damn ass holes. My phone buzzed.

' Hey. I know your well should be studying. But can you come over till I fall asleep. Dad had the late shift. Tristens at Danny's. And Isaacs at the pack house. He won't be home till later. And more I am alone. I start thinking. Or can I come over. '

" Oh it's her. Look at his face " amy squeaked I blushed deeper.

" I don't need this from. My dad and his girl friend. Oh and dad. Can I go over there or she can come here "

" Yeah. Go pick her up. Maybe shell sleep then you can take her. Home Sam said she won't sleep with out checking the house twice. "

I frowned. " Yeah I know. Even then she can't sleep well. She has more night mares then dreams. "

The unknown twin 2 (teenwolf/stliesfan)Where stories live. Discover now